Dam, Apollo is annoying

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Nico awoke to bright white walls and a golden ray of sunlight shining through the window. He blinked a bit realizing where he was. The infirmary. Nico looked around to see Will in a corner by the door. Will glanced back and saw that Nico was awake.

"Good morning, sleepy head," Will said walking over.

"Could you not?" Nico asked annoyed at the nickname, "Also could you close the blinds, your dad is super annoying."

"First of all; No. Second of all; he is very annoying sometimes," Will replied walking over to the blinds by Nico's bed, "There you go Sunshine."

"That's worse than 'sleepy head'!" Nico exclaimed. Will broke into laughter, it was beautiful like a melody, soft and gentle yet clear. Nico found himself lost in the sound.

That is until the voice behind the laughter brought him back to reality, "Nico? Did you hear me?" Will asked.

"Uh," Nico thought for a moment whether or not he should lie, he decided it would just be worse if he did, "No, sorry."

"It's fine, I asked if you were feeling dizzy or lightheaded," Will said simply as if every patient zoned out to the sound of his laughter.

"Uh, no."

"Good, have you-" He was cut off by the door of the infirmary bursting open.

"Hey Nico!" Jason exclaimed as he walked in, "You never came back so I guessed you'd be here," Jason explained as he sat on the bed next to Nico's.

"Hey," Nico replied simply.

"I'll leave you two to talk," Will said beginning to walk away, Nico thought he heard a slight hint of sadness in Will's voice.

"Woah, Solace! Keep doing your doctorly stuff, you're fine!" Jason exclaims after Will; he sent a wink to Nico that the dark hair boy couldn't quite decipher. 

"Uh, okay," Will mumbled walking back, "Nico, have you felt any fading, like when you're in the dark or anything?"

"Not really," Nico said, he wasn't lying. He hadn't felt anything recently, not since he got to the infirmary anyways.

"What does 'Not really,' mean?" Will asked as Jason just sat and waited for them to finish talking.

"It means not really, I haven't felt any fading recently," Nico replied, he saw Jason raise an eyebrow. Nico had no clue why though.

"Okay, uh, I think that's all. I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get you some ambrosia," Will said walking away.

"So," Jason started, "How's it goin'?"

"What do you mean exactly?" Nico asked in return knowing that Jason's question wasn't about his health.

"With Solace, in here," Jason said before quickly adding, "Your health?"

"First; No. Second; Fine. Third; I'm fine, also I know that you didn't mean about my health," Nico said.

"'No'? What do you mean by 'No'?"

"No, I refuse to answer the question," Nico said coldly.

"So, good?" Jason guessed.

"No, nothing is happ-" Nico stopped himself as Will returned.

"What were you guys talking about?" Will said handing Nico a small square of ambrosia.


Jason was cut off by Nico, who yelled, "Nothing!" Perhaps a little too loud.

"Alright then, I'll be over there you need me," Will said pointing to where he had been earlier that morning, "Oh and Kayla will be here soon with lunch, you slept through breakfast," Will said looking at Nico.

"So," Jason whispered, "What were you saying?"

"Nothing, it doesn't matter," Nico replied, "What's been happening around camp?"

"Not much, I should probably go soo. Leave you too alone perhaps to make out, perhaps to not. Who knows?" Jason said standing up.

"NO!" Nico said feeling the blush rise to his cheeks.

"Suit yourself, bye!" Jason said walking through the door.


First; The squiggles' names are Heather, Heather, and Heather. Second, thanks for reading my cringy terrible fanfic!! I might continue writing my "I'm Beautiful in Front of These Glasses" story, in case you care, I may not though. I just feel as if it was a little rushed, to quote Jason "Who knows?" I'm sorry it took me so long to update, school has been a little much recently (My smart self got in Pentathlon and it's hard) I was really only able to update because we had no school do to a power outage at the school (Probably too much information, y'all didn't need to know that). Anyways, thanks! Also, I might make another story, go to my conversation tab thing in my profile to see what it's about, also to help me with something about (if you want to that is).

Have fun with your life, be you ~The person who wrote this!

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