Horror X Razz berry

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This is the last request by xXPresleytonXx. The second scenario here may cover some sensitive topics, just a warning. If you decide to read it anyway, you have been warned.

Scenario one:

Ink had hosted a party in celebration of Error's 'death'. After Error's death, Ink decided to hold back on Creating for a month or so, unknowingly delaying the multiverse's destruction. In a sickening turn of events he had also invited the bad sanses who had been morning their family members death. They had wanted to tear apart the invite but held back, deciding to come just so they could crash the party starting big amounts of chaos and potentially snap broomie if they have the chance. Ink's bones as well, if there was enough chaos and the rest of the sanses wouldn't spring to their creator's protection. Blue could definitely help with that. There, a few of the bad sanses are ordered to see if the currently neutral leaning to bad sanses would finally choose a side. Horror had been assigned to Razz and Razz had taken an interest in the sometimes dog like behavior of Horror. We can make the bad sanses fall into the void from the cliff in Outertale and go to the same multiverse as Error, you can choose what multiverse it will be. (I can be either)

Scenario two:

Razz is a high ranking nobles bastard child(that basically means he's born out of an affair) and since receiving the harsh treatment that's usually given to bastard children like him he's gained a rather thorny personality to combat that, seeing that it was the better option as the other one was turning into a meek child with no self esteem and quite the easy target to bully and push around.  Since he had never gained any positive attention before, he had felt a need to prove himself since young and has gone to great lengths to get perfect results in everything he did. But, unfortunately, it had been a losing battle right from when he was born. No matter how much better he was than his siblings he'd never get any of the praise that THEY got. Instead, people would instead deliberately praise his siblings right in front of him while insulting him. Now, he would have been able to handle this if they hadn't started insulting his little brother, another bastard child from the same mother as him. That had led to him getting into a lot of fights and his situation just kept getting worse and worse after that. He tried his best to bottle up his emotions which isn't healthy at all but he didn't care. Until finally, he did something that couldn't be ignored. While everyone could summon familiars, very few can summon high level one's and Razz had summoned one of the highest ranking one's that hadn't been seen before. He had summoned Horror. The attention that he gained after that was mostly even more negative but it had gotten greedy but he also managed to get some positive attention. Horror can be any creature you want. (I can be either)

Scenario three:


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