Chapter 7

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 I had left Colton's dorm early because Saige and I had a surprise for everyone.

"Christmas dinner before Christmas!!"
"That's not a thing, Saige."
"It is now. Deal with it."
"Got it. What do you need me to do?"
"Decorate. Actually I need the decorations to look good. No offense. You can invite everyone."
"None taken. I would hate for this dinner be horrible because I can't decorate." I said then laughed.
"I'll text you a list of people to invite."
Saige: Colton, Leo, Savannah, Parker.
"You invited Savannah!"
"Of course! I see how much you love her!"
"Thank you Saige."
"You're welcome. Now get going!! We are behind schedule!"

 I decided I would deliver all the invitations in person because that just seemed best. If I delivered them in person, I wouldn't have to worry about Saige killing me for someone not getting invited. First, I have to go to Leo and Parker's dorm to invite them.

"4:00 pm, my dorm, don't be late!! I'd like to live!"
"Well if it isn't miss feisty."
"Don't start with me Parker."
"What. Why are you mad at me?"
"It doesn't matter. Just be there. Savvy was invited too. She better be there."
"We will be there."
"Thank you."

 All I had to do was invite Colton. This was easier than I thought. The thought that Saige still didn't know I spent the night with her brother echoed throughout my body. What was I supposed to tell her?

"4:00 pm, my dorm, be there!"
"Will do. Is Saige making you invite everyone?"
"Yeah. That's fine though. I would hate to see her get mad at decorations. You feel me?"
"I feel you. You don't even want to hear the story about her and balloons in 2nd grade."
"You're right. I don't." I replied laughing.
"I'll see you 4:00 then."
"See you at 4:00."

 I went back to the dorm room so I could get ready for the dinner.

"What! I'm decorating."
"Great. This is important!"
"Uhh what!"
"Which dress?"

Dress one was a long, blue dress, with lace on it. Dress two was a medium length, black dress, with ruffles.

"Dress two."
"Thank you!"
"What dress are you wearing?"
"A medium length, red dress, with small buttons on top."
"Oooo fancy!"
"Can you text the boys and ask what time they will be here?"

The Whitmore Squad
Ezlynn: Where are you all?
Parker: I thought it started at 4:00.
Ezlynn: It does.
Leo: Park, it 4:05...
Parker: WHAT!!!
Colton: Saige is going to kill us.
Saige: You all are absolutely correct.
Ezlynn: I'll get the popcorn for this fight.
Parker: Look who is in trouble now...
Ezlynn: Not me. I actually showed up on time.
Ezlynn: your point is?
Saige: If you get down here now, you might live to see dessert.
Parker: We are on our way now.
Leo: oooo what are we having!!?
Colton: stop asking questions and let's go!! Whatever it is though, it better be good.

After what seemed like hours, everyone got to Saige and I's dorm. Parker even brought Savannah which I was honestly surprised about.

"Ok! Everyone sit down!" Saige yelled

Once everyone sat down, Saige came up with the idea for everyone to say what they were grateful for.

"Parker, you can start." Saige said.
"I'm grateful that I'm surrounded by friends and family.. oh and my skateboard!!"
"Lovely. Leo you next!"

"I'm grateful for my guitar and that I get to go to sleep tonight."
"Understandable. Savannah, what are you grateful for?"

"I'm grateful that I have the best older siblings!" Savannah said with a cute grin.
"We love you Sav!" Parker and I said.

"Ok, Colton. Your turn."
"I'm grateful for movie nights.. and memories."
"Movie nights? I love it!" Saige said. Although, she didn't know the meaning behind movie nights.

"Ezlynn, what are grateful for?"
"I'm grateful I get to experience life with you all."

"Saige, what are you grateful for?" I asked.
"I'm grateful for the friendships I've made here at Whitmore."
"You truly are fantastic!"
Saige smiled trying to hide the happiness she actually felt. She didn't like to feel. It made her feel weak.

We all finished dinner and went to the living room to watch movies and eat ice cream before going on winter break. The friendships we all formed at Whitmore were incredible. They were bound to last forever.

About an hour into the movie I got a text from Colton:
Colton: How would you like the idea of going on vacation with me during winter break?
Ezlynn: What are you implying?
Colton: Uhh! I want to go out with you and now I am asking you out.
Ezlynn: oh Colt! I would love to go with you. So where are we going on vacation?
Colton: My hometown... San Antonio, Texas.
Ezlynn: I'll start packing 🙂
Colton: Don't tell anyone though.
Ezlynn: I won't. Is Saige going to be there?
Colton: also don't tell anyone I told you this. Leo is taking Saige to Hawaii!
Ezlynn: he's such a great boyfriend to her.
Colton: Yes, he is.

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