Chapter 24

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"So let me get this straight, Saige moved prom to tonight, mind you this is an event that wasn't supposed to take place until next week just because she can?"
"Well considering Saige she probably has some ulterior motive behind it."

"You are absolutely right." Saige said walking into the kitchen.
"Speak of the queen herself." Colton said turning around.
"Oh dearest brother, you'll survive. I do have another motive. I want this year done with. Plus, I got word of a Mr. Cyrus Whitmore who wanted to be here for prom."
"And he couldn't change his ticket? He's royal for goodness sake! He can fly for free!"
"I did tell him that; he insisted he came now. I needed this year over with already though so it's fine."
"Why do you want it over with?"
"I have to return to Texas and I want to finish this school year."
"Why are you leaving? You weren't supposed to be crowned this quick! You were supposed to finish college, enjoy school, be happy, Saige you were supposed to stay with me!"
"Colton, our family is the definition of cursed. It's not just the curse, but it's everything! We were born into royalty! Yeah, the free stuff and designer clothes are amazing, but we were born into a curse. We are the Whitmore Twins!!"
"The Whitmore Twins, the only twins ever to be born in our bloodline, bound together by evil and good, dark and light, life and death! It was to always be us, baby sister."
"It will be us. It might just take some time."
"How much time Saige?"
"I don't know."
"I guess we have all the time in the world. It's not like we can die. The only way we can die is by the hands of grandma so we're immortal. Maybe it will be us in 600 years." Colton said then storming out.

Saige stared at me "oh no, I am not getting into this mess. Good luck Saige."
"Ezlynn! You're supposed to help me."
"I'm supposed to be setting up for the prom."
"Wow, the one time you listen to me! Terrible timing!"
"No, timing was perfect."
"I already finished setting up! I just need this year to be over Ezlynn."
"Then let's go finish it. Ok?"
"Ok. By the way, graduation is tomorrow.."
"How badly do you want this year over with!!"
"Badly." Saige laughed.

We all walked down the staircase, in the lobby, which was lined with fake vines for a mystical theme. At the end of the stairs, there was a red carpet and a fog machine was set up to make the room foggy.

"Your favorite person has arrived!" We heard a voice call through the fog.
"CYRUS!!" We all yelled running to him.
"Look, I know I'm the favorite, but please! I am in need of my little."
"Who exactly would that be?" Saige asked.
"My dearest baby sister, Savannah. I don't wish to hurt her. You really think so low of me. I simply wish to meet her."
"This is a family reunion after all."
"This is a prom and tomorrow a graduation. Family reunion was not on the list."
"My point stands. There are like 78 people in here that could be related to our family in someway shape or form."
"I wouldn't say 78 but close enough."
"Exactly. Now where is she?"
"I don't know. Considering Savannah, she is probably off trying to perform a spell to harm Colton."
"How very lovely for Colton. I guess I will just go hang out with Nora."

Cyrus walked over to Nora who was running the dj booth.

"You haven't changed one bit." Cyrus said with a smirk.
"Why is that?" Nora replied.
"You still are very beautiful, still have a kind soul, and your ability to wow a crowd is insane."
"Oh please, I haven't been wowing crowds since you were in golden diapers."
"Yes, but there is nothing a picture can't show.." Cyrus said then pulling out a picture.
"Is that-" Nora began.
"Yes. It is you, Parker, Avian, Savannah, and I all standing next to the dj booth in the Whitmore House. That was before we found out about Savannah."
"Oh my gosh.. I miss your dad so much."
"I do too, but one question still lives in my mind. Why did you take her from us?"
"I was scared. I didn't want her growing up in a royal family. She deserved to have a childhood. That's all I wanted for her. I can't keep her from it now. As she grows, she will connect more with magic. She might even save the world one day with her magic."
"I have a strong feeling she will. After all, she is a Whitmore."
"You're right.. she is a Whitmore. That's her family."
"Nora.. we are her family, but only a mother can make the choice you had to make. You made the choice to take her so she could grow up safe and happy. You are her mother! You are more family than any one of us. Not only because you carried her, but you kept her safe against all odds."
"I can't keep her from you guys any longer."
"Do you think she'll be better with us or without us?"
"Right now, she needs help taming her magic. It's overpowering her. That's my baby girl. I won't let anyone or anything hurt her. If protecting her means letting her stay with you all, I have to let her stay."
"Then let her stay. Nora, come to Texas with us! I can help her. Saige needs a Princess in the castle anyways."
"I can't stay. What do you think she'll say?"
"I think we should go find out."
"Let's ask after prom. I don't need her anymore stressed."
"Auntie Nora, taking care of Saige once again. It's beautiful, really."
"Oh shush it. You forget, I raised you too."
"No, I didn't forget.. I just pushed the memory to the side."
"As in you forgot."
"Look, life has been a lot lately."
"Haha I know. Come on, let's go enjoy the prom."

The Prom ended far faster than we thought it would. Everyone had gone to their dorms except for Saige.

"Saige? Can I ask you something?" Nora asked.
I wanted to wait till after the prom to ask you this. Can Savannah stay with you in Texas? She needs help. Help only you and Cyrus can provide."
"You trust me with the life of your daughter."
"Saige hunny, I saw your face the day she was born. You were so in love! I know you will do everything to protect her."
"I will take her."
"Thank you Saige."
"You're terrified, aren't you?"
"I'm a mother who's daughter is safer with her cousin than me. So yes, I'm terrified."
"That's ok, you have every right to be scared. That's your baby. No matter how much you trust me, I know you want to be the one to protect her."
"Promise me this one thing?"
"What is it Auntie?"
"You'll take care of her and never let her forget me!"
"I swear on my life, no harm with come to your daughter and she will always remember her mother."

As the clock struck 7am, there were student's every where getting ready to graduate. Everyone was in a white gown and a sage green cap. This year had finally come to an end. We made it. Through everything we went through, we were still in one piece, well most of us at least. Names started to be called up to the stage.

"Ezlynn Brown! A beautiful, talented young girl who hopes to pursue her dream in Marine Biology. Ezlynn, we wish you happiness and many things to come." The announcer spoke.

"Cali Huntsman! Cali is one of the 3 founding Whitmore's. Cali has stuck with this school through good and bad. Her loyalty will not go unrecognized! Cali is planning on going to Paris to launch her fashion line. Best of wishes to you, our Cali."

"Parker Grayson! Parker was surely something else at this school. He loved skateboarding with a passion, but always kept up to speed with his work. Parker is in the process of starting his own skateboard company! Parker, you have our best interest at heart!"

"Leo Scott! Leo was the top of his music class. He graduated with straight A's and is now looking at starting a band. He loved his friends, family, but most of all music. Good luck Leo!"

"Colton Whitmore! One of our Whitmore Twins who would do anything to protect the ones he loves. Today we have a picture of an eagle that Colton painted. Colton is going off to art school to become a painter. Colton, never forget how much you mean to this school."

"And last but not least, Saige Whitmore! Our other Whitmore twin. Saige has been apart of this school since the beginning. She loves reading and is now happy to be reading all of her books to Texas. Saige will be returning to Texas to complete her destiny. Saige, we wish you everlasting happiness and youth."

Everyone stood up and clapped for us. We finally did it. Honestly, none of us thought we could make it this far. We all are pleased to know we have came all this way. As the day started dialing down, Nora walked up to Savannah.

"Savannah, can I talk to you?" Nora asked calmly.
"Of course mommy."
"I love you so much, my baby girl." Nora said starting to cry.
"Mommy! You're scaring me!"
Nora started to cry more before Cyrus placed his hand on her back. "You can do it." Cyrus whispered.
Nora took a long breathe in. "My Savannah Lynsey, things are going to be a bit different. Mommy has to leave for a little, but Saigey promised to take great care of you and to give you the perfect life! Continue our legacy, Savannah Lynsey Whitmore. You've made me so very proud and it's an honor to be your mommy!"
"Mommy, will I forget you?"
"You will always remember me. There is no distance that can stop DNA."
"What's DNA?"
"Sometimes I wonder how you know everything there is to know about magic, but not what DNA means. Saige will teach you everything over time. I'll be back baby girl." Nora said then kissing Savannah's forehead.

"It's ok, Savannah. I am right here." Parker tried to reassure her.
"Mommy is gone!!" Savannah screamed running into Parker's arms.
"No baby girl. She isn't. What did mommy say? No distance can stop DNA." Parker said tucking her hair behind her ear.
"When will I see her again?"
"I believe you will see her very soon."
"Don't leave me Parker!"
"I am never leaving you! I promise you that!"
"I love you."
"I love you more Princess."
"If Saige is a queen, does that make me a Princess?"
"You always were one."

Over near the snacks is where Saige, Cali, and I all stood planning out our future.

"Well I'm going back to Texas because I feel like it's my duty. Ezlynn?"
"I'm going to stay here for a bit, but I will come visit Texas. My Savvy will be there."
"Fair point. Cali?"
"I'm thinking about traveling the world. At least for a little bit. I feel like it would be good. I just got some news so it's for the best."
"What news?" I asked.
"Well-" Cali began before falling to the floor.
"Cali!" Saige yelled
"Did you miss me?" I voice called above Cali.
"Grandma.." Saige said in a trembled voice.

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