Chapter 8

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"So, now, we just have to try to find Shawn," Micky said.

Mike hung the mirror back on its hook on the Monkee's living room wall. "Any idea where he might be?"

The mirror shimmered slightly and replied, "As far as I can tell, he hasn't come back to this side, yet."

"We'll have to drag him back, it looks like," Devona said.

Peter asked, "Who goes, then?"

Gina jumped to her feet, a huge smile crossing her face. "Me! Me! I'll go look for him."

Devona offered, as she pulled a compact and a tube of lipstick out of her purse, "I think I'll go with her."

Mike nodded, "All right, that settles it. Micky, Davy, you two go after him."

Naturally, Gina and Devona protested rather loudly. Michelle calmed them down by reminding them, "Now, wait a second, he's right. We're supposed to be helping Sharon and saving the world and all that, right?"

Gina and Devona looked at each other, shrugged, sat down together on the black chaise, and sighed heavily, "Right."

"But wait a second," Davy said. "How do we know where to find him?"

Peter commented, "Well, maybe you could just ask around."

"Yeah," Petra agreed. "I mean, how many guys walk around town carrying a mirror?"

"You know, Peter and Petra make sense on that one," Micky said.

"Oh, boy, we're in trouble," the mirror muttered.

"Take care, guys," Mike said.

"And take a sweater if you're gonna be out after sunset," Michelle cautioned. "You know how chilly it gets when the breeze rolls in off the ocean."

The Monkees all gave her a funny look. Devona explained, "Michelle has a 'mother hen' complex."

"I do not!" snapped Michelle. "I just don't want them catching cold, that's all. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna get some chicken soup warming up for when they come back."

Micky and Davy grinned as Michelle went to the kitchen. "We'll be back before you can say 'Pleasant Valley Sunday.'"

The mirror glowed blue, allowing the two boys to crawl through. Once on the other side, Davy asked Micky, "Where do you think we should start looking?"

Micky shrugged. "I would guess that he'd be somewhere between the Kockatoos' house and his house."

As they headed out the door, Davy remarked, "Say, they never did tell us exactly what this Shawn fellow looks like. Do you think we should go back and get his description? Maybe a picture of him to show to people?"

Micky waved the suggestion away. "Nah, we don't need it. I saw his picture in his house, and besides, like Petra said, how many guys are gonna be walking around town carrying a mirror?"

They found the answer to their question almost as soon as they were out on the street, where they saw numerous young men walking around, carrying large, oval mirrors under their arms.

"This may be... a little tougher than I thought," Micky said.

"Ya think?" said Davy.

They walked along for a few minutes, looking at each passerby they saw. None of them was Shawn, but the fact that there were so many guys carrying mirrors meant that they wouldn't be able to just go up to someone and ask, Excuse me, sir, but have you seen a young man carrying a mirror?

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