Chapter: 3 - "I just knew it was her birthday that day."

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Liam's P.O.V:

The stone pavement working against my tires over powered my music as I slowly pulled up to my house. I parked behind my Dad's BMW M6 abaft to my Mom's Mercedes Benz M-class. I pressed the retractor button for my roof and killed the engine. After grabbing my back pack and locking my car I made my way to the front door. Before I pulled out my keys from my back pocket I glanced up at the multi-colored sunsetting sky. Briskly, I pulled out my keys and headed for the door. Once it unlocked I rushed up the marble stairs to my bedroom. I entered my room and swiftly grabbed my Nikon from my computer desk and paced back outside. I was relieved to see that the clouds didn't change its previous position from when I first saw it a lot. I took seven pictures filled with pink, blue, and orange mixed setting sky.

You know how you see something that looks so perfect that it looks almost fake. I know. I probably sound like a bitch. But I love photography. You see something beautiful that won't last forever you take a picture. 

I walked back into the house, locking the door behind me."Liam, love?" My mom called out from the kitchen.

"Yes, ma?" I mimicked while slowly walking to the kitchen with my eyes still glued to the camera, clicking through all my photos.

"Oh never mind," she answered after I walked into the kitchen. I walked towards the fridge and grabbed a Dasani and headed up the stairs with a camera in one hand, water in the other.

Before I closed my door my mom shouted,

"I'll be done cooking in about 40 minutes!"

"Okay, ma!" I groaned.

I shut the door with the back of my foot and dropped my backpack to the plush carpet before sitting on the edge of my bed. I set my camera aside and take of my black and white plaid shirt before taking of my converse, leaving me in my under shirt, my black jeans, and socks. After setting my water on my night stand I grabbed the camera and laid on my bed. 

As I kept on looking through my pictures and stopped on March 10, 2012. There, in the photo was a girl sitting on the football bleachers at the school. Her chestnut hair was in spirals as they laid on her left shoulder. She was writing in what looked like a black journal. The way her right hand was moving looked like she was writing in cursive. The picture gave me vivid flashbacks of that day. I had Saturday school that day but I didn't know what she was doing there. I was walking by the gates to my car when I saw her. She seemed so interested in what she was writing. She looked so beautiful. Her head pulled out of her journal for a brief moment which let me catch a glimpse of her baby blue eyes. It was Jasmine. Why was she there all alone?

I Just knew it was her birthday that day.

 Jasmine's P.O.V:

As soon as I walked into my house I went straight for my bedroom; trying to ignore my drunken mom and dad arguing in the living room.

Everything was fine two years ago. But during my sophomore year things just went. . . wrong. I don't know what happened. They started ignoring me. I just became more and more irrelevant to them.

My back pushed against my door and closed it. After, I sat on my twin bed. I took my worn out converse off with both my feet and ran my fingers through my short blond hair. I looked around my small room and sighed about what I should do next. 

I decided to take a shower for two reasons: One, I can clear my mind. Two, the kids I babysat got markers all over my arms. I go into the three piece bathroom shared between my mom, dad, and I and lock the door behind me. I stripped off my clothes and laid them by the sink. I have about four bruises on my back from Liam shoving my against the lockers. I tried to overlook all the bruises on my body but my skin is really sensitive. Once I was in the shower I turned on the water to warm and just stood there, letting the water stream down my face; thinking about my whole day. 

If I slag off again in Mrs.Wright's class she'll probably want to consult my parents.

My back hurts.

Ugh, Debra is probably ask me more questions tomorrow.

My cheek still stings.

I really don't want to see Liam tomorrow.

At least it'll be Friday. I can go to the beach.

That way I don't have to deal with Liam, Mrs. Wright, or my Parents.

Just me, and the waves of the sea. . . Hey, I made that rhyme.

Just when I was about to grab the soap bar and wash the markers off my arms, the water stopped. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and looked and the handle. The water was still supposed to be on. . . So why isn't- 

They didn't pay the bill.

I cursed in my head and got out of the shower quickly. I dried my body off with my towel and combed my hair.

So much for trying to clear your mind.

I squeezed the rest of the water out of my hair into the sink and put a old t-shirt and shorts on. After walking to my room I laid my clothes by my old dresser and slipped between my covers. I still heard my parents yelling. I'm just so tired.

I just hope tomorrow is better.

 Hello readers!!!!!! i know this chapter is really short:/ i had alot of stuff going on this week sorry it took so long. Good news!! I'm off for winter break so i can write!!!:D I wrote this ch for closure. i didn't wanna leave you guys hangin. U  found out about a hobby of Liam's ;) Also just more about how filthy rich he is. . . isn't that wonderful! lol Jasmine's just as poor :(.......anyways

Liam obviously likes Jasmine, why do you think he hurts her?

What do you think caused Jasmine's parents to fight so much?

Thanks people!!!!!!

ps: the next chapter will be longer and have more excitement and lots of revealing:) well not that much.

OMG bye!!! <3


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