were the story begin

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One day at the kuroba's house
Natsuki"god damit"
Aoko"darling wake up its time for school!!"

While kaito is eating his breakfast at the table while reading a news paper

Aoko"Natsuki wake up!!"

Natsuki"coming mama!!"

Ween natsuki is down stare she look at her father

Kaito"well well my lil child is growing to fast"

Kaito"next time wake up on your own your mom is tired"

Natsuki"yea papa but am not a baby anymore"

Aoko while setting the table"guys its still 6 in the morning dont make a fight"

Narsuki"ok mama"

Kaito"ok darling"

Aoko"well eat your breakfast natsuki your going to be hungry if you dont have a breakfast ok?"

Natsuki"aiyay kapten"

The family gigles. not far from there a big house is also getting ready

Meiko"mom i try my best to get rid of the popularity but its still going"

Akako"weel darling you know sometime if you do it harder you will know what todo"

Meiko"is that right dad?"

Hakuba"cant lie your mother is a beutifull person like you and she have been in your place before soo just let it happen your not gonna die right?"

Meiko"RIGHT, am gonna curse everyone that get close to me"

Hakuba and akako"well cant say no"

A good morning for 2 family in tokyo even tho did they realized that there living close to eachother lets find out in chapter 2 but first lets finish chapter 1 first.

In teitan


Youko"fine2 (geez he is soo loud)"

Conan go down stare

Ran"sweetheart pls be more gently with your lil sister ok"

Shinichi"she is just a 9 year old child its ok"



Conan"ok mom"

Ran" now eat your breakfast ok sweetheart"

1 second after ran say that


Shinichi almose drop his cofe

Shinichi"sweetheart pls dont scream your making your brother shock" say shinichi while looking at conan's shock face

Conan"i thounght am gonna die"

Ran"now now just finish your breakfast and quickly go to school you to shinichi, inspectur megure call me that theres a case in shibuya and he wants you to go there quikly as posibble ok" with a angry look and voice

Conan and youko"YES MOM"

Shinichi"Yes(i thought am gonna get a punch in the face again)".

While in osaka

Younozu"hendo cmone pls"

Hendo"yes sis am getting ready"
Heiji"younozu just leave your brother and he will be late for school"(gigles)

Kazuha"heiji  i thought your the one who wants a baby boy"

Heiji"yes honey".

The morning went well while theyre having a breakfast theyre child going to school they finally go to school like always.

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