Chapter 8

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Lauren's POV

The next day I woke up and threw on some black skinny jeans, a plain grey shirt, and my white hightop converse. I decided against any hardcore makeup and slipped on some mascara.

As I was grabbing a yogurt from the fridge, I found another note on the kitchen table.


Not going to be home today. Last minute meeting tonight out it LA, so I will probably just be staying at a hotel. Please take care of yourself. I left some money on the living room table.


Alright I guess. I mean it's not like I see my parents a lot anyways ? Hopefully I could ask Autumn or somebody if they wanted to hang out after school. I shrug it off and continue to eat my yogurt.

When I'm finished, I grab my keys and get in my newly fixed Audi, driving off to school.

Sometimes I contemplate selling the Audi and buying a normal high school car. I just feel weird driving it. Like I would feel more comfortable in a beat up pick up truck. But I suppose I am lucky for the good fortune I have.

When I pull up to school, I am 15 minutes earlier than yesterday and find a closer parking spot. (Mentally thanking myself for not having to walk to far. Because when I walk, I sweat, and I'm wearing grey)

When I reach the school I head to my locker to grab my books for my first class.


Damnit. That meant Luke Hemmings. And Luke Hemmings meant confusion, trouble, and hormones.

I hadn't texted Luke yet. Still quite angry about him scratching off Kurtis's number. I mean he could of just wrote his number under it.

Something about him just ughh, there are no words for it.

As I close my locker, I suddenly realize that there is 10 minutes before the bell rings and I have nothing to do. I do remember there being a bulletin board in the main hallway with a list of club sign ups, so I decide to walk over and see what they have to offer.

As I scroll through the list there are very few that catch my attention. I sign myself up for student council and math club, just to make my parents happy. But I am also tempted to sign up for baking and drama club.

Im always home by myself so I might as well learn how to cook. And Ive always been interested in acting, so i figure why not. I sign my name on the dotted line and smile to myself, very pleased.

I turn to walk to History, with only 3 minutes before the bell I just decide to show up early.

But before I even take two steps i hear. "Wow you are just full of surprises"


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