Meeting Nick

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Leo's pov.....

"GO PIRATES!!" My team and I shouted at the top of our lungs, finishing our final cheer. I was then thrown up by A GIANT SEA MONSTER WHO ATE ME. Oh, well shit, I was just daydreaming again... I really need to stop doing that.

"Leo your not listening" my teacher said very angrily.

"OH SHIT, SORRY," I yelled, " I MEAN... WHAT I DIDN'T SWEAR!" I cried.

"Leo,see me after class, please," my teacher sighed, "again."

I sighed, rolled my eyes, and said, "fine," as sassily as I could because I AM NOT CLASSY, I AM SASSY.

That's my motto

Then there was a loud noise coming from the back of the room it was Amber coming in screaming "I'M NOT LATE ,I'M NOT LATE!"

To which the teacher responded "Amber you're late in fact you're 30 minutes late"

Ambers my best friend I've been friends with her since kindergarten. We have so much in common we both love to sing, we love to cheer, and you know we share the same passion for men.

Someone just walked in the room"oh my freaking god hes gorgeous" I whispered

Ambers pov......

"Whoa who's the smoking hot model."

"Class this is our new student who transferred from California his name is Nicholas."

Holly fuck he's hot he's like perfect, he has blonde hair and the most amazing blue eyes.

"I call him!" Leo whispered to me, so I shoved him lightly because he's a weak-ass-son-of-a-bitch who is NOT going to take my man. "Shut up, he obviously isn't gay." I responded. He clicked his tongue at me, shooting daggers with his eyes, "well, duh, he's not gay!" He raised his voice a bit, "but there's DEFINITELY some bisexuality goin' on."

'Hmm how do I get him to fall in love with me?' I thought.

"Bitch, I know what your thinkin' and he's not gonna fall in love with you cause he's already in love with me secretly in his mind even though he's never even met me."

"Oh, whatever you're just jealous of my good looks, so you boost your confidence by saying he's in love with you 'cause all you have is your gayness!" I say.

"You always forget about my sassyness" he corrected.

"Cause I'M NOT CLASSY I'M SASSY!" We said together then laughed.

Oh my gosh!!! Nick just chose the empty seat next to me... Then agian, there was only one other seat and I'm pretty sure nobody wants to sit by Nerdy Neal The Nose Picker. Ew.

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