Only Big Ones

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Leonardo Hamato hummed quietly to himself while he cooked dinner for his family. It was his night to do so, and he chose to make ramen. Deciding the noodles were done, Leo grabbed eight bowls from the cabinet and took this quiet time to reflect on what happened in the last month.  They had returned to the city, and the first thing they did was find Master Splinter. After that, they made their way to Shredder’s lair determined to end it once and for all. They fought their way through foot bot after foot bot until they finally made it to his main room. His goons were all there with the intention to kill. But someone else was there too. Karai. Human Karai. Fighting along side the Shredder. Leo shivered with disgust at the thought. They fought, and while they did Karai explained that the Shredder had a shock collar on her and shocked her whenever she didn’t follow his command. She had said the controller was on the side of his armor. Using stealth, Leo grabbed the remote and Karai was free before the Shredder even knew. By then, Shredder’s goons were done for, and together as a family, they finally took down the Shredder.  Leo remembered the last moments of that fight vividly.


Shredder lay injured on the ground with Leo’s family around him. All was quiet, the only exception being the metallic shrink of Splinter’s katana being unsheathed. Raising it above the Shredder at a lethal angle, he spoke.

                “Oroku Saki, you have done nothing but make mine and my sons lives miserable. You killed Tang Shen, my wife, the love of my life and took my daughter away from me.” Karai began to shake so Leo grabbed her hand and squeezed it for comfort. “Then you continued to hunt me and my sons. And for this you are going to pay for anyone you have ever hurt.” Shredder sat up and said his final words.

                “P-please… have mercy…” He coughed and blood splattered down the front of him.

                “You deserve no mercy, Oroku Saki.” Splinter raised his katana and Leo’s eyes widened as he realized his father was about to deliver the final blow. He quickly took Karai in his arms. He pushed her head gently against his shoulder with his hand.

                “Don’t look Karai. Close your eyes.” Leo whispered. Karai’s eyes widened as she realized what was about to happen. She screwed her eyes shut as the first tears began to fall. The sound of metal penetrating flesh filled the silent room followed quickly by Karai’s muffled sobs.

*Flashback Over*

Leo finished and started calling for his brothers and … girlfriend. Leo sighed dreamily as he thought about the dark kunoichi. They had gotten together shortly after Shredder’s fall. Mikey came into the kitchen breaking Leo out of his thoughts.

                “Hey take this to Sensei for me?”  Leo said while handing Mikey a bowl. Mikey grabbed the bowl.

                “Sure.” He replied and left the kitchen. He was soon replaced by Donnie and April who were chatting about something Donnie had made. Mid-chat, they grabbed bowls and took their respective seats. Leo sighed. Where were Karai and Raph? As if on cue, they walked in the kitchen, and it was clear Raph was angry about something.

                “I know you cheated. You had to! No one has ever beaten me.” Raph screamed while throwing his hands in the air. Karai smirked.

                “Aw what’s the matter? Is big baby Raphie mad that a girl kicked his butt?” Raph opened his mouth to reply but then closed it. He grabbed his bowl and sat down while grumbling, accepting defeat. Karai laughed and got her own bowl. “Hey there, handsome.” She said before kissing Leo on the lips. Leo began to kiss back until Raph shouted, “HEY GET A ROOM! Some of us are trying to eat.” They separated and Leo pouted until Karai whispered in his ear, “I guess you’ll have to wait till later.” Leo flushed red and Karai giggled and kissed him on the cheek before taking her seat. Leo quickly recovered and sat down next to her.

                “So… what exactly happened that got Raph so mad.” Leo asked. Across the table, Raph grunted.

                “Well, we were playing a video game, and he got angry because I beat him.” Karai said before eating some noodles. Raph finished chewing and said, “You suck.” Karai looked him dead in the eye and said, “Only big ones.” Leo dropped his fork and started sputtering, choking on noodles. The rest of the table looked on confused. Then Karai winked at Leo which did not help his choking situation.  Donnie, April and Raph’s eyes all widen as they get the rather… naughty inside joke. Then, Mikey walks in looking very confused.

                “Um… why is Leo choking?” He then walked over to make sure Leo was alright.

                “It’s alright Mikey, I’m fine.” Leo said while glaring across the table at Karai. The kuniochi just winked again before her and April burst into a fit of giggles. Raph just sat there looking horrified and disgusted at the same time.  

                “I’ve lost my appetite.” He said while pushing his bowl forward. He got up and left the kitchen mumbling something about “too much information”. The girls’ giggles that had just stopped erupted full force once again. Donnie and Leo looked at each other and shrugged before joining the girls in their laughter. Mikey just stood and watched and the scene.

                “Uh, guys? What’s going on?”


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2015 ⏰

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