Hiding (Jayphen)

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Stephen opened his eyes with a yawn. Looking down, he almost jumped out of his skin.

Jay was curled up into his side, snoring softly as he shifted in his sleep.

Stephen didn't mind it usually when Jay became all affectionate with him. After all, they were dating. But there was a time and place.

Hosuh's house was not the time and place, especially since they still hadn't told anyone yet.

As slowly and gently as he could, Stephen tried to push the blonde off of him. He heard a groan in response, and the action just seemed to make it worse.

Now Stephen was trapped under his boyfriend, wheezing at the amount of pressure put on his chest with the lump that was Jay lying directly on it.

"Jay..." He wheezed, pushing a bit harder this time. "Can't breathe...Hosuh could see..!"

"Don't care.." The blonde mumbled tiredly, moving so that Stephen could breathe, but still cuddling up to him.

"Don't care?" Stephen replied. "Well you should. I don't want people to know just yet."

"Why not?" Jay snapped suddenly, looking up at him with now open eyes, red and yellow irises boring into his skull.

"Because, Jay, we don't know how they'll react!" Stephen yelled with a slight whisper in his voice. "For all we know, they could stop talking to us!"

"So what?" Jay shot back. "Does that matter? Even if they do, you'll still have me. Or is that not enough for you?"

"What are you talking about? Of course you're enough for me!"

"Then act like it!" The blonde yelled. "And you know they'd be fine with it! So what's the real reason you wanna hide us? Huh?!"

Stephen didn't reply, going quiet as he shuffled his feet nervously.

Jay sighed at this. "Right. You won't tell me. You never tell me anything."

"That is not true!" Stephen snapped at the blonde.

"Then be honest!" Jay yelled. "Is it because you're scared?! Is it because you're worried?!"

"No, it's-"

"Or is it because you don't want to be seen with me?"

The purple haired male froze at this. He couldn't believe Jay would ask something like that.

The blonde seemed to go quiet as well. Stephen glanced up at the other to see why.

Jay's nails were digging into his clothes tightly, face contorted into one of distress and if Stephen had paid more attention, he would have noticed the small tear rolling down his cheek.

Nevertheless, the sight still caught him off guard. "Jay-"

"Don't. You don't need to explain. There's no excuse. There's no other possible reason except for the fact that you're embarrassed to be seen with me."

Stephen bit his lip, looking away. He crossed his arms.

"See? You know it's true." The blonde spoke, voice barely above a whisper. "You're not even denying it."

The purple haired male looked down at the ground.

He didn't dare look up. Not even when Jay began to grab his things from Hosuh's closet. Not even when he had everything ready. And especially not when he stood by the door, the quietest of sobs escaping his lips.

He just stood there, until the front door slammed shut, leaving silence in it's wake.

"Stephen?" A small, tired voice spoke behind him.

He turned around to see Hosuh, long grey hair loose around his shoulders, as he rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"Hey Hos..." Stephen whispered. "Can I stay here for a while?"

"Sure...where's Jay?" The older male asked.

"Gone....I'll explain later." Stephen replied, walking past Hosuh towards the guest bedroom.

He ignored the other's worried calls behind him, closing the door behind him as he sat down on the bed.

Buying his head in his hands, he let out a sigh as tears began to roll down his cheeks.

Thanks to him, a relationship of 7 months was over.

And it was all his fault.

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