Chapter 46: The Gravity

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There's something about Kim Taehyung that drew you to him.

Since that night Seokjin had deemed you suspicious, there was a constant watch on you. Although you weren't harmed, someone inspecting everything you do was eating you up. You only meant to save Misun. How did it end up with this?

You sighed for the umpteenth time watering your potted plant—one thing that was giving the purpose to live, giving you a sense of home.


You heard a familiar voice call you; that tenor that vibrated soothingly in your ears, and you turned back to see the known owner.


Taehyung and Jungkook had been visiting you almost everyday, making sure you were safe and okay. And you couldn't really phrase how much comfort that meant.

"I brought you a fertiliser," he said, placing a small wooden bottle on your palm. "How is it doing?"

You glanced down at the small pot that was just a plain soil and answered, "As always. Quiet."

"Patience is the key. It will repay you in the most beautiful way," Taehyung gave a soft smile.

You replied with a weak smile. There was a momentary silence, and he seemed to look like there was something in his mind.

"...Do you-" his words trailed off, then he shook his head slightly, discontinuing whatever he meant to say. Instead he reached out to your hand.

"Y/n," he then looked into your eyes deeply, talking in the way you could only feel his genuineness. "Everything will be fine. I promise."

It has been a habit for him to hold your hand, and you guessed he was doing it unconsciously. But your heart never failed to jump when you felt the big warmth wrap your hands. It was strange, though, how it made you nervous, and how it made you feel safe at the same time. It felt like you belonged here. Or you hoped so.

There was no denial that you didn't want to leave his hand. You wanted to hold on to it as long as you could—and you knew why. Such feelings weren't a complete stranger to you, but maybe it never happened in such intensity.

You wondered when it all started.

Maybe it was when you saw the strength in him, the morale, where he would protect his people even if it meant to hurt him. Maybe it was when you saw the affection in him, the length he'd go for the person he cared for. Maybe it was when you saw the fragility in him, looking so broken in that bath, and you felt the need to do something, anything to ease his pain. Maybe it was when you saw the anger in him, when you threw yourself out in front of the assassin and he would scold you harshly out of pure worry. Maybe it was when you saw the comfort in him, and how you couldn't help but feel weak in front of him, and how you felt so safe in his arms. Maybe it was when you saw the warmth in him, that wholesome, colossal glow, wrapping you completely.

But maybe, it was, from the very beginning—when you jumped right into his arms, mesmerised by the beauty of his clear eyes within the blossom of plum whites.

Do not attach yourself to someone here.

Yoongi's voice rang in your head. It was those words he kept on repeating that has now been engraved in your brain. But every time those words played, there was a face that flashed in your mind.

It was a feeling of longing and belonging.

It was a feeling of being torn internally.

Kim Taehyung.

How do you erase someone who has nestled deep in your heart?

What did your feelings mean if there was no happy ending?

But his gravity was too strong. And by the time you knew, you were already taken in his orbit.

Do not attach yourself to someone here.

Yes, I know.

You weren't going to wish for the impossible. You weren't going to make a mistake.

You were from the 21st century, and he was a person from 700 years ago. He had his life; growing up, falling in love with someone, marrying her, having a child...everything was a history and you don't belong in them. It gnawed on you, but it was the reality you understood to accept.

But, just for this moment, for a fleeting moment of one's life, you wished you could hold his hands a second longer. 

Just, that.

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