Chapter 1

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"Come on darling!! We're gonna be late!" My mom hollard/ sang from down stairs.

Today is the big moving day. And we are moving to san diego from rhode island. Let me tell you something about me.

I hate moving, i always move, maunly because of the hunters in our neighbor hood. Those pesky little fuckers wont leave us alone! We're not like the others! Sure on certain occasions we like to have human but other times we eat animals! They are so freaking stupid!

Oh! Sorry let me explain! I come from a family of 4 werewolves. Me, mike, mama, and papa.

We all share a human free diet, though on birthdays and holidays we like to cheat ;)

I walked down stairs with the last of my belongings which were a duffle bag half filled with snacks and my phone and i pod, a small cooler in my other hand. Baisicaly filled with sparkling melon water.

I climbed in the car and said my good byes too the house i once knew for my while life.

We drove off into the night.


"Wake up! Its time to go to hell!" Mom said lighting candles scince we are allergic to sunlight.

"5 more minutes!" I said graoning at the brightness of my lamp.

"Oh shut up and get up! You have to go to school!" Mom said not involeing the NEED part since ive heard this stuff over and over and over again.

School right now is basicaly useless for me.

Im 1,900 years old, i think i can get through this! But in human years i look 19.

I cant wait to get out of this hell hole next year and just work my ass off.

I got up and grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and a falling in reverse t shirt.

I hopped in the shower and cleaned myself and got dressed.

I did my hair and put on my ring that helped me deal with my sun light problem.

I put in my contacts that turned my eyes a icy blue so my red eyes wouldnt pop out of no where in the middle of class.

Oh yeah! I frogot to tell you! Im a vampire! Curently living in san diego and trying to find my mate cause it was time.

All of a sudden i saw a image of this mexican guy in my head, i couldnt get him out of my head for about a month now.

All of a sudden i can sense that he is atleast 5 states over. So he lives in the U.S? Atleast i know he in is the same country!

Today was the first day of school.again, for the millionth time. This 100 years is going to be my last year in school.

Im so happy!

I walk down stairs and into my kitchen.

I grab a sparkling pomegranate water and a piece of left over pizza.

"Have a good day at school honey!" My mom yelled as i walked out the door.

"Thanks mom!" I said and began to drive to school.

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