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"What kind of sandwich that is?" Dalila, My five year old sister asked me as I added a slice a ham to my sandwich.
"Peanutbutter jelly." I said as I slapped the bread together then took a bite.
"You nasty, I bout to tell." She mugged me
How she mad cus I like meat with my sweets?
Wink wink, question mark!
"I'm finna leave anyways." I told her as I continued to eat my food.
Magical delicious.
"Where you go then?" She asked rolling her eyes.
"Don't worry bout me, I'm a thug."
"I telling momma." She yelled as she ran out the kitchen and into the living room.
I finished eating my food and walked into the living room to hear what was happening.
"And then he was like 'I a thug' and I was like, 'ouuu I tell momma." I heard dalila say as I walked in the living room.
She always acting like a baby. Knowing damn well she can speak properly.
"So you a thug?" My momma asked me.
"You a thug dexter?" She asked me again.
And is.
"You always snitching." I mugged dalila.
"YOU A THUG?" My mom yelled as she stood up.
"No momma it's a song."
"He be like, he be like, water on my butt like a tub-
"all you do is fucking lie June, but I know one thing for sure, Ian raising no thugs in my house, so if that's the life you want then you gone have to leave." My momma said after she slapped me.
I swear this bitch lucky she my mom, I would've been beat her ass.
I walked out of the living room and upstairs to my room.
"Don't walk away from me when I'm talking." She yelled as she followed me with my sister hot on her tail.
" 'Don't walk away from me when I'm talking' Shutup fat bitch." I mocked her.
"Ouuu, momma him say 'fat bitch' ." Dalila said.
Her snagatoothed ass.
"Mmcht dalila get out my room."
"Do you pay bills here?"
"Yes, I do. So get out my room." I looked at her.
"My baby don't gotta get out. You get out." My mom told me.
"That's what I'm trynna do, excuse you." I said as I tried to get the clothes from my dresser.
Unfortunately her swole body ass was standing in front of it.
"You don't need nothing from this dresser." She said as she stood infront of it.
"Bro move na cus you finna piss me off. You can't tell me I can't get none of my clothes cus I bought Allem myself."
"Take yo clothes and don't come back, ungrateful bastard." She said as she moved out the way.
"Imma be good, yo fat ass The one who need help with the bills." I said as I grabbed my shit and packed it all up.
I even went downstairs and took the food I bought.
Yeah big bitch, you and ya daughter won't be eating this food.
"Why you here?"
"My momma kicked me out." I told cam as I walked into the house with my bags.
"Why? And why you got all them bags?" He looked at me and screwed up his face.
"She kicked me out cause I was singing kodac and I got Allem bags cause I'm staying here till I get my own house."
"You a funny dude, Uan staying here tho." He said as he patted my shoulder.
"I'll pay bills."
"You know how to cook? Cause ion know how to cook." He looked at me.
Duh, bitch I'm a Chef.
" I cook better than kulture."
"You lying, but Ion want no nigga making my plate anyways. You can stay in the basement tho."
"Why I can't stay In one of yo rooms?"
"Nigga the basement. Take it or leave it."
"Alright then."
Nigga I was born in a basement.
"Ay cam."
"You fucked Sharlesha too?"
"Na she raped me." "You fucked her?" He asked me.
"Yeah. It was moist, kinda."
"Ion wanna hear that shit nigga," he mugged me.
"How it feel on yo dick?" I asked him.
"Yeah, you can leave, Ian on nunnat."
"Nigga I said no homo."
"Better had." He said as I walked down stairs into the basement.
It had a big mirror as soon as you looked at it.
I looked in the mirror and turned to the side to see if my ass got bigger.
Wink wink, question mark!
"Very nasty." I pointed at myself in the mirror .
"Very very nasty."
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I just be making stuff up every chapter. I feel like my shit hella random. 😭
I might add another girl to the book, but ion know yet...💀 I'm contemplating on if I should do it or not.
Ngl ion like Santana that much. 😭 yall like that nigga?