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"IF I HAD TO KILL MY MOMMA I'D BE DEVASTATED! but I'a do it.." Dex randomly said.

What the fuck?

"BANG WIT IT, FUCK THE GLOCK. But I'a use it."

"Why you say that?" I asked him.

"It's a TikTok."

"He didn't say his momma tho."

"So, ion like her."

"Why uon like yo mom?" I asked him.

" I do like my mom, her fat ass don't like me." He said to me.

Nigga just said-

"Oh Wow,"

"You wanna meet my mom?"

"Not really-

"Good cause she gone be at that dinner party today, eating and shit." He cutt me off.

Today I was meeting Cameron's mom. I was nervous.

She was having a dinner party, but I had no idea that Dex and his mom would be there.

Hopefully it won't be as awkward as expected with Dex there.

"Is Cameron's mom nice?" I asked Dex.

"No, I be wanting to slap her sometimes then I be having to remind myself that she my aunt."

"Cam's mom is your aunt?"

"Nigga did I not just say that she was my aunt?" He mugged me.

"So he yo cousin?"

"Kulture just stop fucking talking to me. I hate when people ask dumb ass questions."

"How is that-


He started breathing hard and shit.

"Dexterity, chill the hell out." I mugged him.

"My momma ignorant, so if she say something to you tell me so I can call her fat."

"Dude, you are so random." I shook my head and walked away from him, towards the kitchen.


Me, Cameron and Dex sat in the car, infront of Cam's mom house.

Everything feels different without Angelo but I gotta move on.

"Ight so, my mom might get smart, if she do tell me so I can call her fat." Dex said to me as i opened the door to get out of the car.

We walked towards the porch, cam opened the door and grabbed my hand.

We walked into the crowded house.

There were kids everywhere!

They know this house too damn little for alles folks.

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