Blind Distrust

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" I can't believe this is real." She paced around the room.
"I can't believe you are real."

After the initial fright and denial has passed, Nikki was in the state of complete disbelief. It is not everyday that a supernatural thing comes into your life claiming to be your new roommate. A supernatural thing that furiously denied any claim of being a ghost...or a demon. Thank God for that one.
"So," she started to speak, " You're saying you are physically tethered to this cat?"
With her arms crossed on her chest and one eyebrow raised, she stared at him.

"That would be correct. Wherever Gris goes, I go." He replied. Seemingly unbothered by the entire situation.
"Okaaay...So what exactly are you?"
He sat up straight on the sofa and copied Nikki by crossing his arms.
His eyes stared right at her, completely serious. The most serious she has ever seen him be. Granted she only knew the boy for 2 hours tops, counting the time they spent in her dream. In that short time frame, he seemed a mixture between relaxed, sarcastic and slightly shy or uncomfortable. Not serious whatsoever.
"I cannot tell you that. Not yet anyways."

Are you serious right now?

"Why the heck not?" She bursted out. Borderline yelling.
"Because I do not trust you." He shot back. Baffled, she only stared back at him. Despite not knowing him at all, she felt slightly hurt.
"And I can trust you? I believed all this nonsense you've told me, yet you cannot disclose what you are."
His eyes softened while hers hardened, hurt transforming into anger.
"I know," his voice soft, " I understand. And I will also understand if you want to kick out both me and Gris."
He looked down with a slouched posture. He bit his fleshy lip, nervousness seeping out of him in waves.
"These situations happened before. I have told the truth, blindly trusting in people. That put me in a lot of danger." He looked up.
"So please, can you wait for me? I will tell you everything. Eventually."

For reasons unknown to her poor, shambled mind, Nikki believed him. Besides, there was no way she was going to throw away her cat- Gris.
She already warmed up to the little furrball. Having another being in her apartment also helped to decrease her loneliness. Well, now there are two beings in her home. She was also curious about him. Her life was always so boring, this is actually the most interesting thing that ever happened in her sad, depressed life.

"Okay." She said.
Alec's eyes widened and he mouthed her okay in disbelief. Nodding, a soft smile resting on her face, she confirmed his silent question. Both her and Gris could stay. Before she was able to say anything else, he jumped up from the sofa and hugged her. His arms enveloping her in a strangely warm embrace.

"Thank you." He murmured in her hair. Slightly uncomfortable at the sudden contact she only let out an awkward chuckle. Then a thought struck her like a brick from the sixth floor.

He is hugging me! How? I know he said he is not a ghost but I did not know he was....physically here.

" are you touching me?" She broke the hug and looked at him.
"I mean...I didn't think...Uh" She stuttered.

He beamed at her, his voice childishly mocking.
"Well I told you I was not a ghost." He paused and thought a bit.
"Not in the sense you think, at least."
When her only response was staring at him with a bemused expression, he went on to elaborate.
" I do have a physical presence but I cannot stay like that for a long time. I am also not bound by the rules of physics like humans are. That is how I was able to jump in your dreams so easily."
He slowly went back to the sofa and sat back, with Gris sprawled across his lap.
"Ohh...So my friends and other people can see you? What about eating? I barely have enough to feed myself and the cat!"
She was now distressed, real world problems regarding this situation catching up to her now.
Still petting the cat, he lazily answered.

"Yes, in these forms your friends can see me. But if you want me to I can leave my physical form in their presence. No, I do not require human food. Sleep on the other hand..."
Looking at the clock and realising it is almost 5.30 in the morning, she could not help but agree.

So, deciding to put her questions and worries to sleep, and herself, they all went to sleep. With Nikki in her bed and Alec and Gris on the couch.


Hi! Hope you are enjoying the story so far.
I was thinking- would first person POV work better? Let me know what you think!
I will work on prolonging my chapters from now on.
What do you think about Alec's character? Did you get the reference from the previous chapter? 😁
Hint: kpop
Anyways, thank you to anyone who is reading this!

Lots of love,

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