F ~ Promise

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Backstory: Hogwarts had slowly but surely been rebuilt over the summer. Headmistress McGonagall has invited the teenagers back to repeat their eighth year. Draco had suffered through long trails of the Death Eaters but thanks to Potter he has been kept out of Azkaban. His father wasn't as lucky. Harry, tired and exhausted from the war and an abusive summer at the Dursley's, is more than willing to accept the invitation back at Hogwarts. Especially after the Dursley's threatened to kick him out when they found out his new way to cope with the trauma he had been put through.

Notes: Severus is still alive in this story.


McGonagall's speech, while still being rather odd, seemed like the perfect excuse for people to act the ways that they were.

"...there will be professors available for conversations and Madam Pomfrey is always around in the Hospital Wing to help with any sort of ailments or concerns for the events of last year. I would like to note that there will be no tolerating of any bullying of anyone's ways to cope especially towards our older years. They have been through a lot more than most, and they are allowed to have their own ways of dealing with the trauma. As long as those ways don't interfere with classes and homework. I expect you, older years, to help the younger ones and be as polite and courteous to them. Welcome to another wonderful year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Harry's head started to hurt almost immediately from the roar of the students and tears prickled his eyes. All he wanted to do was to escape back to his own room and crawl under his sheets. Harry wanted to snuggle with the stuffies that he had packed under his robes and supplies. He was grateful that McGonagall had issued most of the returning eighth years our own rooms.

So you have a better range and more privacy. I know how some of you get and after what you had been put through last summer you deserve it better than most.

The separated rooms also made it much easier for avoiding any questions that could be asked about his additional new objects. Of course, McGonagall had said that bullying was not to be tolerated, but Harry didn't think that he could deal with the stress of the questions.

Because when Harry was stressed, he slipped into his little. And it would be quite concerning to most when Savior of the Wizarding World started crying and speaking in not completely strung together sentences.

But that's what you can expect for Harry's little was four (almost five) and about as dependent on someone as possible. But since Harry had no one that seemed to be able to know how to cure his sudden reaction to his trauma, he had been forced to embrace it. Harry learned to quite enjoy slipping into his little. He would much rather stay there than as a big. As a little, he wasn't expected of much. He didn't have to shake hands and sign autographs. He could crawl around sipping from his sippy cup and cuddling his stuffies as much as possible.

Little Harry was brought back into view with the billowing of his red haired friend. "Look at Malfoy acting as if he's too posh for the rest of us. Like he wasn't to blame for last year. Sodding git he is." Harry looked up to see Malfoy slip out of the Great Hall, Blaise and Pansy at his side.

Little Harry gasped at the harsh language but bit his tongue to quit from chastising his friend. His eyes watered from the sting. Harry was known to let strings of colorful words out himself, and he didn't want to draw any more unwanted attention to himself with the scolding of Ron.

"Harry are you alright?" Hermione asked tilting her head and pushing back her puffy cloud of wavy hair. All surrounding eyes of the Gryffindor table were locked on Harry's bright green ones ready to take in every word he used to answer that statement.

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