An Awkward Adventure. [Chapter One]

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Schlatt stood at his door, dumbfounded. He had, to his knowledge, been given a small child by a woman who claimed he was the father. He could've sworn he had never seen the woman before, but the miniature horns atop the child's head made it evident she was right. 'Life of an alcoholic, I guess.'
She had told him that she wanted nothing to do with the child and that giving it to him was the only logical option. Yet, he figured that surely, if she knew who he was, she also knew he was just as unfit to be a parent, right? Whatever. He held the child close to him, bringing him inside his house. It was a small house, yet well decorated, and full of random things that he considered homely. He sat the child down upon his table, the only place he thought the child wouldn't be hurt. From what he could tell, the child was about four months old. Somewhere near that. Probably a bit younger. Obviously, not a good age to be around a scamming alcoholic, if there even is a good age.
Schlatt sighed, looking at the child, to which, the child looked up at him, with his shining, bright, and stupidly adorable eyes. "You suck." He says, to the baby on his table. "I have no clue how to take care of you. The fuck are you even here for?" The child giggles at him, instantly making him smile. At this, he turned away, facepalming. "There's no way you're the thing that's gonna make me go soft. I'm not that fuckin' guy." He turns back around, looking at the child again. "Did she even name you?"
The young boy stares at the man for a few seconds. That was, until Schlatt turned back around, and looks out of his window. "Who the fuck am I even kidding. It's not like you can talk to me. If she did name you it doesn't matter." He, again, faces the child. "I'll call you... Tubbo." He pauses. "Yeah. Tubbo... Christ that sounds stupid."
He pulls out a chair from under the table that Tubbo is sat on. As he does this, the young boy leans forward, almost falling, trying to be closer to his father. Schlatt panicked, gently grabbing the child's shoulders to keep him upright and stable. "This will be a hell of a ride huh?" He says, letting go of Tubbo's shoulders, and running his hand through the small boy's hair. "That's if I don't entirely fuck this up, obviously."


Schlatt had, by now, been with the 'annoying brat' for around a week. He had gotten woken up by his crying nearly every day, but it was still something he hadn't gotten used to, and he didn't think he would. Ironically, now was a time he had been woken up. He had already figured out what this one meant, thanks to that one time he fucked up and missed a time where he'd supposed to give Tubbo his food, ending up in him giving it at around four in the morning. He sat up and looked at the clock for half a second before the child's whining got even louder. "Fuck me dude chill out.." Schlatt, by now, had realized that it was always at the same time every morning. Six-thirty.
"Always six-thirty. You'd think the kid could read the time already. Wait-. What if he could. Would he really be that fuckin' smart..?"  He looked over at the crying child, sighing, and picking him up to take him into the kitchen. "Nah. No way. Kid's not smart at all."
He managed to get Tubbo's food ready quick enough for him not to go completely insane. Eventually, Schlatt got the previously 'hot as fuck' food to cool down to a point where he thought was suitable to give it to the child and lifted him into his arms. As the child took the bottle, Schlatt sighed, gently holding onto the end of it, and laying a finger over Tubbo's tiny hand.
Schlatt looked down at Tubbo, only to be met with his bright blue eyes. He smiled slightly but tried to stop himself. He sighed again. "You know, I fuckin' hate kids. You're an exception. I can deal with you. Mostly."
After about twenty minutes, Tubbo had finished his food, and Schlatt had put the bottle on the counter, while still holding the child.
He stood there, looking at the young boy in his arms. "Who am I kiddin' huh? I'm not good enough to take care of you. Plus, you'd probably hate living here if I did."
He sighs, laying the baby back in his makeshift resting place, a pillow, covered by a blanket, with wooden barriers, tied together with zip ties through drilled holes, so he knew the baby would stay in his place. He had found an old bee plushy, stored in the basement, from previous house owners, cleaned it, and placed it at the end of the handmade crib. He sits on the floor, next to the crib, and looks at the child, who was now peacefully laying with his eyes closed.
He takes the little boy's hand on his finger and sighs again. "You can't stay here, kid. You really can't..." He looks down at Tubbo again, beginning to struggle to keep his eyes open. He yawns. "Where would you even go..?"


Schlatt picked up the sleeping child, deciding the best thing to do was to give him to someone who could properly take care of him. He laid Tubbo down on top of the table, where he is always put, and goes to get some of the child's toys. As he is doing this, though, he begins to hear crying.
"This damn kid... I can't be out of your sight for a second, huh?" Schlatt sighs, walking back into the room where the child is laying. "I wonder how the rest of today would go.."
Schlatt gives the young boy a pacifier, and his bee plushy. "Sometimes these things come in handy, huh?"
He lays out a blanket next to the child and picks him up, putting him inside the blanket, and wrapping him up loosely, so that only his head was outside, but he could still move how he wanted. He picked him up and placed him in a box, which was much bigger than his small frame. The box was padded by thin pillows, that Schlatt no longer had much care for, with a slightly thicker pillow at the bottom, underneath the child.
He picks up the box, only to look down at his little boy, and put the box back down. He lifts the child out of the box, cradling him in his arms. He didn't want to let go of the, now, sleepy child, though, he figured it was what was best. For a man with supposedly no heart, he felt a strong connection to this child and this child alone. A strong love, if you will, for him.


Sometimes good things have to come to an end.

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