Chapter VI -Beauty Sleep-

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/Sign Language\


Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

Chapter VI

–Beauty Sleep–

Mid December 1943


The Head Auror himself brought Harry home five hours later. The man was exhausted, still the two made him bath before setting him in his bed. The Head Auror staying smartly silent through the whole process as both him, Tom and Dobby washed and the dressed the scarred body of Tom's Guardian.

In the morning, as Teddy ate his cereals and as Tom read the newspaper, the Wizard finally got up drowsily and went to the table accepting his mug of coffee from Dobby. Tom was reading the article about yesterday's attack and quick action of Apothecarian Potter that, even though everything, was unable to hold back his emotions when one of the victims succumbed to his wounds under his care. Tom glanced at the picture where Harry was clearly grieving the death of the 5-year-old body at his feet.

"Today all the shops and pubs will be closed in Hogsmeade in memory of those who fallen." Harry put in. "Yet I have to go to the Ministry of Magic to testify what happened."

"You're descripted as a hero." Tom argued puzzled. "Why do you have to prove anything?"

"Because the Minister himself is close friends with Dumbledore and doesn't like that instead of his dispatch being applied and you and Teddy taken from me, his friend was given a full-on trial and all of his doings over the decades taken into question."

Tom hummed only for Harry to look at the fireplace and then Lord Lestrange left the floo.

"Good morning." Tom nodded back as Harry gulped down his coffee. "You may slow down. The Minister was fired last night after he attempted to have you accused with yesterday's happenings. Which even the journalists were smart enough to realize it was made by a Rogue Werewolf in the article."

"Is this the same case as the attack around lunch?" Tom wondered.

"No." Harry replied. "Those are made by a Light Core Wizard pretending to mimic the Men in Red supposed attacks around the globe."

"How do you know it's Light?" Lord Lestrange asked confused, accepting the teacup from the House-elf.

"How could I not? Their skins are always thrumming with it when the Wizard's done."

Tom lowered the newspaper and looked at his Guardian puzzled.

"You can feel magic?"

Harry shrugged as if it was a nowadays thing. Tom turned towards the Lawyer who looked back just as surprised.

"Trust me, I'll be talking with the Potters about Mr Potter being a Sentient." Lord Lestrange agreed, before sipping his tea. "Potter, your Werecub..."

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