Chapter VIII -Translator-

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/Sign Language\


Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

Chapter VIII


Late December 1943


Tom looked up from The Three Brothers story – that Teddy was making him tell for the fifth time these holidays alone – to the waitress entering the room. Just as she entered they heard a tremor under their feet... like a bomb.

Tom picked Teddy and run downstairs with his Guardian's friend right behind. Harry had sent her to him, what meant he'd suspected the attack! It had to be today? Harry needed his rest after what they'd done!

"Oh no..." Miss Rosmerta whispered as they saw the predicament in which was the shop.

Harry was in there somewhere and Tom could feel his magic keeping the house standing. Tom touched the magic with his own. He felt Harry's magic show a feel of relief and then Harry's magic disappeared just before the shop went down and the apartment over it was soon to follow. Tom stood there in shock as he watched their house go down and over Harry as if it was a house of cards. So easily it went down as if nothing was working to keep it up.


Tom vaguely remember arriving the Three Broomsticks nor the Aurors arrivals. He just stayed there with the toddler in his arms. He half remembered Rosmerta running to the fallen house. Tom hadn't moved. He had felt when Harry had allowed the house to fall on him. He had felt Harry's magic retreat. He had felt his last touch before he disappeared from this world for a second time in his lifetime.

A hand landed on his shoulder and he glanced up at Lord Lestrange that had finally arrived with his son and wife. Lady Lestrange attempted at picking Teddy up but the toddler refused to leave Tom's arms.

"I'll be right here." Tom forced himself to argue but the toddler shook his head again. "Lord Lestrange, did Harry claim a godparent?"

"No, he has not."

"Jeremiah Rabastan Lestrange, would you do the honours of being Edward Remus Potter's godfather?"

"It'd be my honour." Jeremy agreed and slowly Teddy let himself be picked up by his new godfather.

Tom glanced at Lord Lestrange.

"What will happen to us now?"

"Considering you just claimed my son as the cub's godfather then I have the legal right to take you two in." Lord Lestrange replied. "The people are saying Grindelwald's Men but the Head Auror refuses it."

"Harry is... was Grey and pro all types of magic. He wouldn't get attacked by Dark Wizards." Tom retorted. "This was Light Wizard's job."

Tom glanced down to realize he had a mug of tea before him. Lord Lestrange frowned at Tom's certainty. Tom didn't elaborate on it. He had just lost a Guardian and a lover. He would finish what Harry had hoped to archive while raising Teddy. He wouldn't let the Muggles win again. Not now. Not ever. And most of it all... he'd kill Albus Dumbledore and he just wouldn't kill the Potters as well because otherwise Harry would never be born.

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