Chapter 2

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3:05 AM

Iv been in this tree for about 5 minutes, how did I even get here? I thought to myself. I just woke up falling and I landed in this tree, maybe i could yell for help?

Wait no nobody would be awake at this point. I tried to get down but just ended up hanging upside down having my foot stuck in the tree. "Just my luck" I sighed.

Oikawa's POV

What was that crash sound? It sounded like it was outside my window. I got up and walked to my window only to see a figure in my tree.

I opened my window to get a better look. Is that a dude in my tree? I thought to myself.

He looked like he was hurt and was about to cry... He looked over to me and he looked kinda ... translation.

He was about to reach his arm out but then he fell from the tree. I'm not sure why but I hoped out my window and went down to help him.

When I got down there I looked down at him and picked him up. He's light I thought. I walked to my room trying not to wake up my mom .

I laid him on my bed and put a blanket on him. Who are you?

after I fell I woke up in a bed only to see a tall boy sitting next to it. "...huh" after saying that the man looked at me and stood over me.

"Who are you?" he asked me but I didn't know how to respond because I didn't know either... "I-I don't know...I'm sorry it's hard to explain how I got in your tree".

I looked down to the floor then I heard him. "well try your best to because I'm curious now" he said while pouting.

"Okay I guess I'll I woke up falling and Landed your tree and I can't remember anything".

After I told him that his eyes widened and he grabbed a book " can you hold this please?" He asked me and it made me confused but I agreed to and nodded my head.

He put the book in my hands and... I froze because I fell right through. "Just as I thought...No one is translucent and have a book a fall through there hands.." he said while looking at the book.

Oikawa's POV

The grey haired boy looked at the ground and started to speak " Are you saying I'm..Dead?" he asked me and I felt so bad for him..he didn't even know his name.

"..well maybe your not dead" when I said that his head popped back up.

"what I'm saying is maybe your spirit left your body."after I said that he gave me a warm but setting smile

"thank you for helping me out" he then bowed. " my name is oikawa by the way...but maybe I can call you...
Sugawara" END

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