I am Jeleela

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I never thought that my brain would’ve come to an extent that it would think of these actions. Thinking about it now, I don’t know why at that time I thought it was such a good idea; could it have been my insistence, or just another betrayal of life? What I definitely know is that there is nothing to regret anymore. Once I made that decision, I was sure of who I wanted to be; I wanted to be Jeleela, the girl who fought the obstacles in life for education; and in the end, got tortured.

The incident was 16 years ago, when I was just a young teenager who sought happiness and joy from life. I didn’t know whether everything passed so quickly or it was me who was always careless and frivolous. I was forced to do it. I never wanted to do it. I had to do it because marriage would’ve been just a burden in my life! Yes - I have been forced to get married at the age of 13- for those primitive people always thought that girls would be lost at this age thus, marriage was the only solution. Pointless! Unreasonable! Preposterous! I never knew that knowledge would grow to be this diabolic.

At that time, houses were made of mud. I got married to a young, handsome 21-year old man called Marzoug. He was mainstreamed and normal. We lived in a big mud house with metal chairs in the garden. The sofas were from an expensive shop that contains luxurious furniture. He was really kind to me. In return, I served him as the perfect wife and our lives were normal just like any other couple. I forgot to mention, I was a really clever girl before I got married. When my parents told me it was the time to leave I was weeping because I thought I would be a successful doctor. I isolated myself from the ferocious outer-world.

Day and night, I read medical books and scientific ones too.  Marzoug admired my intelligence and passion in Medicine. One night, when the storms were wandering about and the sky was dripping with floods of water, an idea rushed into my mind. The devastation was beyond description; it was a split-second decision. I knew almost immediately it was the wrong one but I was forced too. If I wanted to be who I wanted to be, then I must’ve risked everything that it would’ve required. I decided to run away and continue studying medicine.

I was dropped off at the airport with thirty-thousand Kuwaiti Dinars. I went to book a ticket at Kuwait Airways, off to America. I had to consider studying English or else I wouldn’t be able to read! Everything passed so quickly; I entered the aeroplane and sat quietly, gazing at the gleaming stars. I always thought the stars had a message, one that would define your actions. The clouds, they were the chairs where people sit and listen to the stars. I was exhausted so I considered having a soft nap. Maybe “soft” was a bit of an exaggeration because surprisingly I woke up to find out that I arrived!

As per my plans, I converted three-quarters of my money into dollars. Subsequently, 2I rented an apartment which was quite cheap compared to the time; I told the man that I wanted to stay for 9 years and I will pay each year. We compromised and negotiated until we reached a decision, 3000 Dollars per year. After that, I went to one of those translating offices and asked for a translator. He helped me apply for the university. I decided to enter the International University of New York.  The translator helped me apply and then after I finished my 2-year course of English I was fully prepared and started studying medicine. 7 years have passed and I graduated as a psychologist. Of course I had to study some physics in between, which I hated.

I came back to Kuwait and Marzoug greeted me at the airport. I never felt those 7 years, they passed as quick as a thunder bolt. If it weren’t for Marzoug, I wouldn’t have made it this far. “Well sweetie, let’s go to your parents and explain everything” he stated. “Okay, and tell me how everything went when I ran away” I replied happily. “I told them that you ran away when I was sleeping and I never saw you. I laughed in my heart because it was actually I who told you to go and study” he chuckled. After this short conversation, 5 minutes of silent passed then I realised something was wrong. “Marzoug?” I softly called. “Hmm?” he blurted. “I don’t suppose that this is the way to my parents’ house-” I was interrupted by a smack on my mouth with a tissue sandwiched between his hand and my mouth and nose. Something smelled alcoholic about that tissue; seconds later, I felt drowsy and unexpectedly slept.

Three and a half hours later, I woke up to be astounded. What was going on? What on earth happened? I found myself girdled with serpent-like ropes, sat on a metal chair. The lighting was dim and all I could see in front of me was Marzoug with a whip. “Can you explain this?” I argued. “9 years I have been all alone you imbecile, be tortured and feel! I shall trap you here for 9 years and no one will know!” he cried out. I started crying without feeling. After I have accomplished all this, everything flies away?! “You little piece of scum!” I uttered. He started pummelling me with his whip and all I could feel is pain jolting throughout my body. I had a feeling that I could escape. First of all, I had to consider untying myself of the rope.

It was hard to think as he was severely whipping me. Suddenly, I came up with a brilliant idea. If he continuously whips the rope it will go weak. I though he will surely throw me in the cage behind me to prevent me from escaping. I can then rub the weakened rope on the bars and friction will break the rope. I started taunting Marzoug to hit me more so that the rope would be weakened. I had to resist. I successfully taunted him then as he thought I was too weak he said “I will keep the keys here you weakling, I want you to be tortured me as you see that the key to escaping is in front of you but you can’t reach” followed by an evil laugh.

An hour later, he finally threw me in the cage. As he left and I was 100% sure he won’t come back, I started rubbing the rope viciously on the bars. I was so persistent; I knew god was assisting me in every way. The ropes were untied finally! I tied the rope at the end to make a loop. Subsequently, I threw the rope and the keys fell right into the loop. I started pulling the rope and then finally, I caught the keys. My hands were shivering from fear. As I opened the first door I rushed to open the second door. I was so gentle in case he heard me. As I opened the door, I surprisingly found the keys of his car on a dining table. The furniture was familiar. It was our chalet! I couldn’t believe that all his efforts turned futile. I still sensed that something wrong. However, there is no time to think.

I went out and opened the car. As I reached the car, I was just about to open the handle I felt pain jolting through my leg. Then, I hopelessly fell to the ground. I turned to surprisingly find Marzoug behind me. “Maybe I have underestimated you but don’t forget about you forgot about the alarm” he evilly laughed out. As he was blurting out some more words I quickly opened the door and started the engine. I locked the door of course. He started shooting at the car but all his efforts were in vain. I finally escaped from Marzoug’s terror. This was my story

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