Dr.D ,Oops!

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I turn around to see three boys ,they seem familiar ....ohhh..i got it ,i say "Hi you must be my little baby's boyfriend ,now what was the name..derb no wait ferb " "And you must be his friends buyard and manjeet ,no wait buford and balijeet" 

They smile ,and then derb no ferb said "Dr.D did you ,by any chance ,make an -inator to switch personalities ?"

I say"Oopsie , i did made it a personality-switch-inator to be like my nemesis i mean friend but then one ray shot up in the sky and then norm fell on my inator and broke it"

"I predict that the ray reflected from a satellite and hit isabella and rebecca just before they dressed" said derb no ferb

"Can you change them back  Pharmacist ?"  ask duford ....buford
"Of course i can ,i started building duplicates since i started a job as a high-school teacher not a pharmacist" i say glaring at duford ,..buford

Buford grins and balijeet facepalms and ferb rolls his eyes

"I'll call the girls and phineas" says ranjeet
"Okie dokey  ranjeet ,i will get my personality-switch-inator 2.0"
"BALIJEET!!" all the three boys shout

i go to the storeroom and get my -inator

when  i come back, i see the girl who said i couldnt bring a chicken-switch-inator in space ,the boy who i saw was always jumping,and a girl unknown (Isabella,phineas and rebecca respectively)

I point it at isabella,i think ,and the ray hits her and..................

Personality switch ,A Phinabella Fanfic (COMPLETED)( unedited)Where stories live. Discover now