05 blue

267 21 0

The sky is blue today, like practically all days.

It isn't special much, but I find myself sporting a grin as you pull me by the arm.

We wound up in the field, sitting side by side under the shadow of Inarizaki's old ginkgo.

Your presence is comforting; it always is. I can feel the heat radiating off your body,
just as I can feel it crawling up my face when you lean your head on my shoulder.

"Is this okay?"


I'm careful not to move as you gradually slip out of consciousness.
I'm beyond giddy and I know if someone saw me like this months ago, they'd ask if I was ill.

Before I allow myself to melt into your warmth, I glance up at the sky.

Is it just me, or has it grown brighter?

More colorful?

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