06 indigo

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Indigo is the color in between. The fine line that separates blue from purple and purple from blue.

It is also the color of tonight's sky.

The evening is chilly, but I am awfully content at the sight of my jacket draped over your frame.

You are so damn cute.

The glowing stars above us are minute next to your company.
This is all I need. All I want. All I ever asked for. It's perfect.

I'm afraid if I stay any longer, I'll be compelled to belt out my pathetic feelings.

But I let myself be selfish and gaze at you for just one more second.

I'm surprised to see you already staring back. "Hey, wanna know a secret?"

At your words, I free the side of my face for you to whisper into my ear.
I have to admit, I'm pretty curious as to what you'll say, and the prospect
of sharing secrets with the girl I've come to love makes me happy.

Yes, I have come to the conclusion that I am deeply in love with you.

Well, I didn't expect the kiss. That's for sure.

I am left in complete shock as you giggle and run into your house.

Your lips are soft and warm, and pitiful as it is, my cheek already feels incomplete without them.
I feel stupid for not acting upon my feelings first. Sometimes, I can be such a coward.

Yet at the same time, this pure euphoria buzzes inside me as I embrace the blanket of indigo sky.

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