Confer Sir . HamBurr .

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     Alexander would arrive at Burr's door, " Mind If I come in? " Alexander would ask, having a lustful smirk on his face.

    Burr would turn his head, a bit confused... " But it is the middle of the night... " Burr would add, looking around them.

    Alexander would just shrug, " Burr, Please? " Alexander would whine, looking down at his feet. 

    Burr would shrug, " Is this a legal matte- " He would smell the alcohol on his breath, cutting himself off. Burr would let him in, turning a bit red. " Do you want me to get you anything? " Burr would ask, a bit nervous.

    Alexander would just sit down, clearly intoxicated, " Y'know Burr... you are not half bad... " Alexander would hiccup.

    Burr would just sit next to him, surprised, " I thought you hated me... " Burr would look down.. still a bit confused.

  Alexander would just stumble on his words... " I don't... hate you Burr. " He would just think about what he was going to say, " I just... Love you so much- " He would blurt out, covering his mouth in disbelief. Burr would just look at him.

 Burr didn't know what to think, thoughts would be racing through his head. " Maybe he is just drunk... has to be it. Maybe he actually means it, God if I know! But... I would like it if he was sincere about it..." He would think... asking, " Are you sure about that? "

Alexander would just uncover his mouth... " Yeah! I love you Burr! You always light my world up, from time to time. You definitely make me smile, you should do more of it. "

 " Alexander, I smile plenty when I am around you. You light up the whole room when you walk into it. I feel the same way about you... I love you too, Alexander Hamilton. " Burr would just whisper, looking down.

 Alexander would shake his head, " No! Wait... Really?! " Alexander would hug him out of pure joy.

 Burr would chuckle, cuddling him... " You really do outshine the morning sun... " Burr would just softly smile... keeping him close.

 Alexander would just chuckle with him, " Nah... you're the one that shines the brightest! Y'know... when I first met you, you made me smile more than anyone before... "

  Burr would blush, " Alright... Alright... I need to get you to bed. " He would sigh, practically picking him up. He would then take him to a guest room, laying him in a bed. " Get some rest..." Burr would say in a stern tone, yet a caring one.

 Alexander would pout, " But... Can you stay with me? " Alexander would ask, looking him dead in the eyes.

 Burr would nod to this, laying beside him... " I love you. " He would whisper.

 " I love you too Burr... " Alexander would whisper, both of them falling into a soft sleep.

  The next morning would arrive Alexander waking up first.. snuggling Burr. " Wake up! " Alexander would say, in a cheery tone with a coffee in his hand.

  Burr wasn't a morning person at all. He would chuckle into his pillow, " Sweet Jesus... " 


Words: 547 ( Before this )

   This is cute. I mean, this is CUTE. This is the most wholesome thing that I will PROBABLY write on here...

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