The art of sneaking around

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It was a good thing she already lived in the house, because he didn't have to ask her to move in. Everything stayed the same, except for the fact they had to tell Masal. And Shehriye... Kemal rubbed his forehead.

I think Masal isn't the problem here. God, Shehriye will freak out.

Knowing how the old woman was, she'd probably jump and start flapping her hands around like a chicken. He dreaded the moment, but knew it had to be done. After all they couldn't keep it a secret. He didn't want to as well. It was an interesting situation he and Leyla were right now.

It has been a week since she told him she loved him and he took her bag upstairs. When he dropped it on the bed in the spare bedroom, he had turned and looked at her. Her eyebrow had been raised in question, her eyes laughing.

"So, are we gonna sleep in separate bedrooms still?" she had asked

He choked from that.

"Well" he'd started, hand on his waist, the other pointed at her- his usual posture for scolding her. "If you think it will be appropriate for Masal to see us in bed like aunt Nedret did, you're dead wrong"

She'd laughed and had patted his shoulder

"I'm just kidding relax. I'll sleep here until we tell her"

A strange look flashed her features. Something between fear and mischief.

"And what about Shehriye?"

Kemal had been so resilient when he told her that they would tell her first thing tommorow. And she was so confident they would actually be strong enough to stand in front of the maid and just dish her that bomb, just like that. She had to know better, since he was the one who made the whole fake marriage mess with his old nanny.

The following morning they had sat on the couch in the living room, side by side, like grounded students. Kemal with a bounching knee, Leyla biting her nails, waiting for Shehriye to open the door and to announce her arrival. Masal had asked them what's wrong, but they had only managed a thin, fake smile. When the door had opened and Shehriye came to them, tying her scarf on the head, they had both jumped from their seats and stood straight like planks. One look at them, she knew something was up.

"Kemal, son, what's wrong?"

He had gulped and opened his mouth to speak. He'd looked at Leyla for support, but she was looking straight ahead, chin up, as if waiting to be shot. He cleared his throat, wiggled his collar to breathe easily and started.

"Um, Shehriye..."


"Something happened, here, yesterday...Leyla and I..."

"Son, I have a lot of work" she had interrupted him. "Just spit it out and let everyone go do their work"

"The thing is. Leyla and I, we have some work to do in the company, so you'll watch Masal the whole day" he said fast.

He couldn't see, but when he said that Leyla eyed him with the most annoyed look known to man, pursing her lips and faking a smile, nodding her head toward the maid.

"Yes, yes. We need to finish up some paperwork for the uh, project Kemal is working on" she confirmed his story, closing her eyes to gather her wits.

Shehriyes eyes had gone to him first, to her second, confused.

"That was it? I thought someone died or something. You kids are so weird. I'm gonna go check on Masal and I'll make some breakfast"

And with that she'd left them. Neither of them said anything else, they just stared at each other annoyed with themselves and their moment of weakness.

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