The Chosen One

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Tom looked behind him and he saw a dragon, a dragon with the four elements circling around him and then the dragon said in a voice like thunder

you are the chosen one,you are the chosen one!"

And then elemental fire came out of the dragons mouth. Tom woke up in a sweat he had been having dreams like that for weeks,  but the weird thing about it was that whenever he told his parents about his dreams they kept saying he would know in due time.His parents were'nt like other parents,they kept saying they were busy doing their jobs but they never said what their jobs were which struck Tom to be strange wouldn't normal parents say what their jobs were? So the day before his 16 birthday  when his parents backs were turned he went to the basement.He had been forbidden to go there but he knew something important lay in their he just had to find out what it was. He entered through the basement door and all the series of dreams spirralled around all the seems fitted together like a jigsaw puzzle  and at last he knew, in each dream there were the two words the chosen one he knew that these two words were vitally important and then everything went black...

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