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Hi. I'm Kashimura Amane. I'm a ten years old girl that loves to draw anything and I'm pretty good at it even when I'm five. I got long white hair that I let down along with my bangs covering mostly my face.

I loved to be alone and draw. I draw anything that catches my eyes and it always come to reality. Because of that I was shunned away with my own parents.

They said I create monsters and they feared me. It didn't matter to me at first, after all I didn't know what they meant but whenever I neared them they pushed me back. Sometimes kicking me away and shout hurtful things towards me.

It pained me greatly so I ended up running away but everything got worst. Some Syndicate found me and kept me. They used my gift in evilness that takes me in my current situation.

I know for the fact that my eyes were dull while I watch the monitor they set for me. Inside those monitor was three males. One had a dirty blond hair, one had chocolate once and last was greyish-white.

They all busted in these warehouse where a huge Mafia businesses where happens. They looked like authorities. I sigh and faced my sketch book.

''Better to get rid of them soon,'' I mumbled before drawing some spear and used my ability to bring them to reality. I watch the same monitor and saw how they dodge my spears. They dodge mostly of my spears and they're impressive.

I draw again and this time its a sword. I usee my ability again. Those swords appeared again and cut them. The guy who got grayish-white hair turn into a White Tiger though, it was only his arms and feet and some on his face.

I sigh. ''How troublesome,'' I mumbled dully before drawing some arrows and shoot at them. It hit that dirty blond who manifest Ideals. But somethings odd.

I frown and looked at the other monitor. My eyes went wide when I saw that brunette male smirk at the CCTV before some of my monitor went black. I cant help to bit my lips as I failed my mission.

I turn back to my sketch book before drawing some men in black. Those appeared and I order them to hunt the place for the brunette before drawing another male and order him to sit on my position.

Damn, I haven't caught like this. I went to the corner and hide on the thick dark shadow. Hopping it could conceal my precense. I flinch when the door was kicked open and that brunette came with that Tiger-boy.

''Are you the man behind this?" Asked the brunette coldly. It made me shiver but I kept silent and watch as my real life drawing smile. ''I am.'' He said. I saw those new comers frown before that Tiger-boy went to attack.

My doll dodge gracefully before using some card to slice the Tiger-boy. ''I really don't like personally doing the violence.'' said my doll before the Tiger-boy was sent and pinned the wall by those cards.

''Its now your end Kitty–?!" My eyes went wide again and how can I always forget about that brunette male! I glare at him as he stand at the back of my doll.

''Thats enough,'' he said before tapping my doll causing him to disappear. I gasp quietly. ''H-how...'' I whispered in shock. I saw both of them are shock too.

''What was that, Dazai-san?" Asked the Tiger-boy. The brunette was frowning. ''It seems that it was only a trick.'' He said before looking at the direction where I hide.

''Right, Mastermind,'' I went still while I watch him smirk at me. I blink severally before sighing in defeat. ''You got me,'' I said and they seems startled. The only monitor left where that blond was still fighting caught my eyes before I deactivate my ability and stepped out of the dark.

Their eyes went wide as they watch me. ''Your Insufferable, you know that right, Brunette?" I asked annoyed while glaring at him. He seems taken a back by me appearing. I think he didn't expect facing a child.

I bit my lips and clutch the drawing book on my arms. ''You ruin my mission!'' I exclaimed at him while glaring deeper. Both sweat drop before the Tiger-boy awkwardly laugh.

''Ah..hehe, Kid. Your behind all of this?" He asked before taking a back when I turn to glare at him behind my bangs. ''I'm Kashimura Amane! So don't call me kid! Kitty-boy!" I bark at him. ''Sorry. So Kashimura-san, your the one behind all of this?" the Kitty-boy asked again.

''No. I was only tasked.'' I grumbled while shifting on feet. ''Your task? So your a member?" Asked that Brunette bastard. I nod again. Before he could asked that Blond male popped it scarring the shit out of me.

I can't help bur tear up as he yell how delinquent of a kid I am. That Tiger-boy tried to reason but that blond scared him. Then that Brunette came and shield me from that scary blond's sight.

''Neh~ Kunikida-kun. Your scaring the kid with your shouting.'' said the brunette. I watch as that scary man explode from the brunette's back. It was like watch a comedy that I accidentally let out a few giggles before covering my mouth and turn around frustrated.

Have you ever felt that someone was smiling at you while your back was turn from them? Well right now, yes. And I know who is it. I composed my self before glaring at the person.

The Brunette.

The blond cough before sharply looking at me. ''Your coming with us kid,'' He said sternly. And I felt annoyed by him calling me a kid. So yeah, I kicked him at his shin before glaring at him.

His comrades was silently laughing at him while I glare at him. ''I'm not a kid! Ideals Jerk!'' I yell making that brunette roared a laugh while this Ideals man strangled him.

''You shut your mouth and pay respect to your elder!" He hissed at me. I frown and crossed my arms. ''Yeah, once your old enough,'' I sassed and it caused another roared of laughter from the brunette while the tiger boy sigh but smile.

''Alright, enough. Come on, Amane-chan,'' I flinch at how my name was said. I looked up and saw that annoying brunette smile at me while holding his had out for me to take. I stare at it for a while before stretching out and grip his hand.

It was rough. A sign that somewhat he handle some hard labour. ''You'll be alright now, Amane-chan,'' He said in a low heartwarming tone that made me smile a little.

Its been a while since I heard kindness on someone's voice. Not in a pity or sadness. This brunette was actually kind with a mask of many emotions. I only nod before he had taken me out of that warehouse along with his colleagues.


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