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Chuuya's Pov

I sigh tiredly as I got out of the car. Osamu hadn't bother me this whole day which was odd? I manage to finished my papers without him bothering me yet it was so boring.

As I put my key on the keyhole of our apartment, I expect to see a whiny Dazai but... I'm very surprised that he didn't wait for me to arrive. I sigh again and took off my coat and hang it on the coatrack before I heard voices and rustling on the kitchen.

I frown. Dazai never brought someone home except Kyouka and that Tiger so it odd to hear a kid's voice. I kept silent as I went to checked it. I peeked at the door and saw my husband wearing his apron while holding a plate of his own dish of food which was actually good despite its weird look.

Infront of him was a kid, a white haired kid who had her hair covering her face. She was looking down and sketching. ''Chibi-tsun, you should eat you know,'' Said my husband on a whiny tone while setting the plate infront of the kid.

''I wont eat that if your trying to poison me,'' She deadpanned. I saw how my husband's facade fall and its amusing to watch them really. I lean on the door frame and silently watch them. ''I'm not poisoning you! And its really good! My husband say so!" Said Dazai proudly.

There was a pause before the girl looked up. ''Husband? The person must be insane marrying you,'' I was a bit taken a back at such blunt statement yet the smug look on Dazai made rolled my eyes.

''Yes! Insanely inlove with me! Now you should eat–"

''Told you, if your poisoning me, I'm not falling for it.''

''Kashimura Amane, set the sketch book aside and eat,''

Dazai said firmly which was rarely used. I watch as the girl looked at the food infront of her then back at Dazai who was frowning.

''You'll leave me alone if I eat that correct?" She asked dully. ''Yes, because your going to sleep,'' Dazai replied.

''Your such a mom. Are you the bottom?" I bit my lips so hard when I saw the horrified look on Dazai. He was silence by such statement and its actually funny to see him act in such way. ''No!" My husband exclaimed at the last second.

The kid finally set her sketch book away and silently eat the food my husband prepare. I smile before making my presence known.

''Evening, Love,'' I said startling my husband and the kid. Both looked at me before Dazai smile. ''How long have you been standing there?'' I smirk at him before taking the seat beside the kid.

''Long enough to see everything,'' I said smugly making his sigh in defeat before setting another plate for me and him. I kissed his cheeks as a thanks before feasting my dinner.

The kid was silently eating her food and so was my husband. It was quite before the kid broke it. ''Toilet paper mummy, am I allowed to leave?" She asked nonchalantly. At the nickname she given Dazai, I know it triggered my husband. I only smile to see him looked at the kid annoyed.

''You are excused. Clean up first before sleeping.'' He said. The kid nod at both of us before leaving with her sketch book. Once the kid were out of ear shot, I confront my husband.

''We never talked about adopting, Osamu,'' I said sternly. I looked at him as he sigh. ''I know. I found Amane-chan, on the warehouse where she was actually our enemy. The President is already busy enough and Yosano-sensei and Rampo-san isn't actually reliable and Kunikida-kun is booked so yeah, I volunteer and I got you to help me,''

He said cheekily making me sigh. ''Fine. You better not teach the kid how to annoyed me or both of you are sleeping out side,'' I threaten making him sweat drop. ''Yes, Ma'am,'' I glare at him as he smile before we both eat in silent.

We checked the kid after cleaning the table and saw the kid sleeping peacefully with the window open. I sigh and closed it as Dazai sat on her bed with the sketch book of the kid in his hand.

I got me curious so I went closer and  saw those beautiful drawings. It awed me very much. The kid had talent. Her sketch were like a professional artist. Dazai flipped the papers and we both saw Dazai's comrades being drawn at the exact replica of themselves.

It was overflowing of details that you can actually compare it to the real once. First was that Tiger boy, then the siblings, then Kyouka, Yosano and Rampo then the ADA President and Kunikida and lastly Me and Dazai.

The sketch of us were actually not finished yet. But she manage to exactly copy our faces. I heard Dazai mumbled a soft 'Wow' before he closed the book and set it aside and looked at me.

I know both of us thought the same things so we only smile before leaning on the kid, giving her a goodnight kiss before we left her room and settled on our.

I lie beside Dazai while he put his arms around me. ''She's very talented,'' I said starting a conversation. I heard him hummed before nuzzling on my hair.

''And she can make those sketch move. Its her ability. Everything she draw came to life when she uses her ability and damn, she's strong. She was able to deceive me for a minute before everything sank on me. She's pretty smart had had the same sass as you,'' He said gently.

It actually made me smile seeing Dazai taken a liking over the girl. Actually, he was never in to kids. He thought they were troublesome brats but right now...

''Do you want to adopt her?" I asked sleepily while sinking further on his warmth. ''I do..'' He replied in a sleepy state. I chuckled before nuzzling. ''Night, love,'' I mumbled. ''Night, hon,'' he replied before both of us fallen in darkness.


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