❤️Christmas Eve💚

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{I feel bad for not updating this so here's a rush Christmas special for my bois
Hurt-and-Comfort? Mainly just fluff <3}

The date was December 24th, Christmas Eve

Mondo and Kiyotaka had just finished cleaning up after baking cookies, and they took a moment to stare at the living room the stood in

"The tree looks incredible Taka, you never fail to impress me" Mondo said to his boyfriend lovingly
Kiyotaka became all flustered and tugged on his sweater, "you helped, I can't take credit for all of it.. but thank you" he smiled, moving his gaze back to the tree
"Remember when you put an ornament in my hair?" He chuckled, receiving a laugh from the shorter man
"Yeah, I'm surprised it stayed in so well, and didn't weigh down your pompadour!"
"Ornaments aren't that heavy dum dum" Owada teased his boyfriend before laying a kiss on the top of his head
Ishimaru rolled his eyes and hugged his boyfriend, he looked up at him with eagerness, "that day, you also put me on your shoulders because you wanted me to add the star to the tree!"

[AN: I'm currently giggling happily writing this out, which may seem dumb, but they just make me so happy words cant describe.. or because Im bad at explaining things]

"Of course, I wanted you to have your special moment, besides it's not like we can put you on top of the tree" he grinned, it took Kiyotaka a moment to get the joke but he understood it
"You're right Owada, I can't put you on the tree!"
Mondo blushed slightly hearing Ishimaru turn the flirtatious joke around on to him

The two men sat together outside for a bit, talking with one another as they drank hot chocolate. Occasionally their conversations were just about the stars above them in the night sky, other times it was just about excitement and plans they had for Christmas and the New Years. Sometimes it was just them listening to music.

Despite their positive conversations, Kiyotaka's mood seemed to drop when he asked his lover a question, "where do you think we'd be right now if we hadn't.. even met?"
"Good question, I don't think 'bout those things cuz' they're super depressing. You can never know the unknown, so all I can answer is that, we did, and we're together taking life head on, and.. I'm in love with you, so I'm grateful we met"
As Mondo talked Kiyotaka fumbled with his top to pass the time, "why do you ask?" Mondo looked over at him

"It's just a thought that's in the back of my head, we never know what other universe is out there, I could be a totally different person without you, maybe I would be-" he stopped. He didn't want to think of the worse or of the thoughts he had before Hope's Peak and before he grew close with Mondo
"Be what? You alright?"
"Yes. I'm fine, again just some thoughts I'd prefer not to have"
Mondo hugged Ishimaru, and leaned his head on Kiyotaka's shoulder, "Taka, you don't have to worry about it, like I said, we're here now, this is, well, our reality and we gotta live it, no point in worryin' about the other realities. Who needs some off-brand Mondo when you got the real Biker Gang Leader right here?"
Ishimaru chuckled and hugged back, "I agree, I shouldn't worry, you and I are still here and hopefully aren't going to leave this reality any time soon" he gives a lighthearted smile

"Woah, that one cloud kinda looks like Leon, hopefully all the cheerleaders don't fall for him-" he mocked
Kiyotaka nudges him, jokingly followed with, "be nice Owada"
"Ok! Ok!" They break out in a contagious laugh between themselves

"Should we head back inside?" Ishimaru recommended
"Sounds like a plan" Kiyotaka helped Mondo uo

"I'm quite tired I might go to bed early"
"That's fine, I'll clean your cup and then meet you in there" Mondo offered
"Thank you" The two of them shared a kiss before Taka left to their room

Mondo, as promised, finished cleaning both glasses and went into the room, laying on the bed, was an already passed out Kiyotaka
He gently scooped the 5'9 man in his arms and moved him back a bit before getting under the covers himself. Afterwards he swiped his arm under Ishimaru again, but now in a hug

Kiyotaka reached out his hand, and ended up grabbing Mondo's
Ishimaru yawned, "Mondo?"
"Hm? Ishi?"
"Hi.. good-" he yawns "-odnight" he mumbles, resting his head gently against Mondo's chest

Kiyotaka started to fall asleep again, and Mondo brushed his fingers through Kiyo's spiky raven colored hair, and laying one last kiss on his forehead before resting his eyes to sleep

Mondo whispers to his sleeping partner, "Sleep tight, I love you, and I always will"

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