Chihuahua shit

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I'm Aurora, the chihuahua. I dance Reggaeton, Bachata, and Salsa. As a dog, honestly it is not that hard to dance. You just go ram van bam and pow, easy really. I have outfits too. I have a mariachi hat, a red dress, a black dress, a strawberry onesie, and a Elmo Halloween costume. My life has been pretty amazing with that Elmo suit. I got so many pats with it on (I love pats btw). Some people hate chihuahuas. I don't understand why, we're amazing. We can steal tacos from la tienda and bring them back to you. Boom, food without anyone having to pay. Hispanic's likes us, so we get a benefit. We do have our temper tantrums though, especially me, you don't wanna see Chihuahua Auro mad. I'll go King Julian + Chihuahua mode on you. Literally fool, you better run. The second I see you steal my peanut butter too man, it's over for you, or any of MY food in general. I am a fun chihuahua though. I remember this one time I was with my buddy Pablo in la tienda again. Just fucking around like the idiots we are, then we saw some taquaches (raccoons). We were out like Donkey Kong was chasing our bitch asses, Pablo even farted with his 5 nasty ass fools ass, and the raccoons got madder cause that shit smell like my Abuelito's butt crack (FUCK YOU PABLO!!). We got free enchiladas at the end though, so it was worth it.

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