Chapter 1

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Atsumu's POV

"Nice work today Osamu. You've really improved!"

"You have, good practice."

"We'll see you tomorrow Osamu."

I sighed as I sat there alone. I could hear all the praises my brother got from our teammates.. It kind of pissed me off. Actually it really pissed me off. I sat there grumbling to myself while shoving my clothes into my bag when the locker room door opened.

"Hey are you done yet." My twin brother said as he stepped in. I looked over at him before scoffing.

"What're you waiting on me for."

"Uh because you're always so slow. And not just at changing either."

"Oh shut it! Just because I was a little off my game today doesn't mean I'm slow."

"Yeah sureeee." He said with a smile. I grit my teeth and just walked past him once I had all my things put away. We walked home together in silence. It isn't that Osamu and I hate each other or anything. I mean, I don't think so. We're brothers and family after all.. but... there are more times than not that I resent him.

"There you boys are." My dad said as we walked in. Osamu smiled at our dad while I just glanced away.

"Atsumu, your room is an absolute disaster. You are 17 now HOW many times do your mother and I need to tell you to keep it in order. You're no longer a child, so act like it please." My dad said to me. I huffed, grumbling just to not get scolded anymore.

"I'll go clean it dad." I said, walking past him towards my room.

"Thank you. Now, Osamu. How was your classes today?" I heard my father ask as I was leaving. 

Hmph.. Why did my father never ask me how MY day was... I walked into my room and looked around. Okay yeah I guess it was messy, but why do I have to clean it. My parents are filthy rich, hire a maid.

I sighed and just got to cleaning my room up. I finished in about an hour and flopped on my bed, already tired from volleyball practice. I grabbed my earbuds and played some music while staring at the ceiling with my hand on my stomach and fingers tapping to the song playing. There was a knock at my door that I didn't hear until I saw the door open out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey, I'm going out." Osamu said as he poked his head in.

"What? Where?"

"On a date with Suna. Dad left for work and mom is still gone. So dad told me to tell you to not tear apart the house."

"....I'm not gonna- fine, whatever. Have fun." I said, Osamu walking over and sitting on the edge of my bed. He ruffled my hair as if I wasn't the older brother. Okay yes older by like, minutes but still older. 

"Hey, don't be too down."

"Whatever.. tell Suna I said hi." I mumbled as he got up and left. I listened for the door to shut before falling back and turning my music back on. 

Maybe resent isn't exactly the right words. I was jealous of my brother. He was the favored child. No one told me directly, but I knew that the team liked him better and thought that he was the better and stronger player.. And he got to date the guy that he liked.

I never ever will stand a chance to date who I like. Girls and guys would always be leaving notes at his locker and giving him confessions. I never got any. I've had girls and guys tell me that I'm too obnoxious to date. And it bothered me. I didn't try to be obnoxious or whatever.

There were actually a lot of people who expected Osamu and I to be the same just because we looked the same. Or maybe they expected us to be the same because we were brothers. But I was nothing like my brother. He and I even dyed our hair to not look exactly alike. But yet again, people thought that that stupid grey color or whatever made him look cool. And some people said I looked better blonde. But I have had a few people say my hair looked worse.

Well, I guess I liked it blonde better anyway, so I'd keep it. I wonder how Osamu's date was going... I wondered what it'd be like to get to go out on a date with the person I had a crush on. But he'd never go for me. Actually, I'm not sure that he'd go for anyone. 

I got the awful luck of falling hard for Sakusa. The biggest germaphobe I've ever seen. He didn't even go to our school.. So it isn't like I got to see him except at a few games or training camps. But the few times I did get to see him.. He was just so captivating...

He was an incredible player. He was quick and it was mesmerizing to watch him play. The first time I saw him, I thought he was a weirdo for wearing a mask and avoiding everyone. But when I found out he was a germaphobe I guess I looked past it. And when he took his mask off to play...

Aghhhhh! I buried my face in my hands before letting my arms fall back to my side and I went back to staring at the ceiling. I wished that I could get to see to him more. I mean, technically I had his number since everyone always liked to exchange numbers at matches and at camps. And I did talk to him more than anyone else..

But I didn't have the bravery to ask him out or to see him. What if he only put up with texting me because it was contactless. Or what if he was doing it to be polite.. I think I'd die of embarrassment if I asked him to hang out with me and he would say no. And why would he even say yes..? I see no reason for him to want to be friends with me.

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