1. Movie or Party

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Tobio sighed, closing the door. Practice was harder than usual, and Tobio was drained. His university had a practice match with Hikaru University tomorrow, and from what he has heard they have good players. Apparently Oikawa and Iwaizumi went there, and Kuroo maybe? Tobio wasn't really sure.

"Oh, you're home."

"Hey, Kusa-san. When did you get home?" Tobio asked as he took off his coat. It has been snowing lately, it is already December.

"I came home straight after practice. Speaking of, where were you?" Sakusa Kiyoomi stood up from the couch to make himself some hot coco.

"Stayed back to practice with Atsumu-san for the new setter switch thing." Tobio walked towards his room, already imagining the warm bath he's gong to take.

Sakusa replied with a hum, sitting back down at the same spot -which is HIS spot, no one is ever allowed there- and grabbed a book to read, the fireplace in front of him giving off a warm vibe.

Tobio walked into his room, a sudden cold wind hitting him. He left the window open. Just great.

Sighing again, Tobio went up to his window and closed it shut. He really wants that warm bath now.

Tobio went into his bathroom, turning the tap on and making sure the water was warm. He thought about using one of his bath bombs, but decided against it.

The water was hot, and Tobio welcomed the comfortable aura he felt. After who knows how long of just enjoying the warmth, he began cleaning himself, lathering the soap and washing off.

He finished up and returned to his room, deciding on wearing his favourite sweater, it was cold afterall.

When the warmth from the bath finally wore off, Tobio realized he hasn't eaten since lunch, and it was already late. Sighing for the possibly one-hundredth time today. He has been feeling tired recently, more than usual, but chalked it up to the extra practice.

Stepping out of his room, he saw Sakusa still by the fireplace. Said person was still reading his book, but nodded slightly as an acknowledgement of Tobio's presence.

Tobio waddled up to the kitchen, immediately grabbing a mug and putting some milk inside, warming it with the microwave. Looking through the food that they had, Tobio settled on making a simple sandwich. Not exactly the best dinner, but food is food.

Cleaning his plate, he looked to the side and saw Sakusa still there, but his eyelids were starting to drop. "Kusa-san, please sleep on your bed. It isn't good to sleep on the couch."

Sakusa groggily nodded, standing up to put his mug away.

"It's fine, Kusa-san. I'll put it away, yes, I already washed my hands. Yes, I will wash it three times. Please just go to bed."

Sakusa looked at Tobio through his lashes, as if contemplating, before nodding again and walking to his room. Tobio let out a relieved huff, grabbing Sakusa's mug and washing it three times as promised. Tobio had gotten used to Sakusa's germaphobic tendencies since they moved in together. Although multiple people have asked how Tobio handles Sakusa, in all honesty, he himself does the things Sakusa does. Sure, not to an extreme extent like Sakusa, but he didn't have much trouble adapting to Sakusa's rules.

Tobio finished his warm milk, washed the mug and returned to his room. The room was now warmer, as Tobio had turned the heater on earlier, and Tobio lied down, letting himself succumb to sleep.


Tobio fixed his jersey, still not used to the new material the coach decided to change it to. The other team was going to arrive soon, and Tobio isn't going to pass a chance to beat Oikawa, especially now that he had Sakusa and Ushiwaka on his team, not to mention Atsumu and their new setter switch move.

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