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Ever since Juhee decided to compete in the Olympics, she started practicing everyday and she became a lot more passionate. Juhee thought it was her only chance to show herself since the Olympics occur every once in a while.

Today was Saturday, and Juhee chose to practice her routine in order to get it perfected. She already had her skates on, but of course, she put on her skate guards to protect the blade.

There were only two ways to get to the figure rink; through the hockey rink or by walking to the other side from the entrance. And on that particular day, Juhee felt lazy to walk to the other side of the building and just decided to go through the hockey rink.

After all, she was simply trying to get to the rink, nothing else. Juhee pushed the doors open and noticed that a hockey team was sitting on the ice, talking. It was the same team Juhee saw a week ago; it was NCT.

Juhee tried to ignore them and just mind her own business but the team wouldn't let her do that. "Hey!" a voice yelled. Juhee stopped in her tracks and cursed under her breath. She was not good at meeting people, especially strangers.

Juhee turned around. "Yes?" the guy was now standing up on the ice and the rest of them looked at me. It was overwhelming for Juhee to be stared at by 7 guys.

"Come here," he said. Juhee was walking on eggshells. But she listened and moved closer to the entrance of the rink.

Her hand was on the door that led to the ice. "You can come closer, we don't bite," he said again. Juhee sighed and took off the skate guards. She placed her stuff on the floor proceeded to go on the ice.

The ice was all rough because of the hockey players' practice. "You're Bae Juhee, right?" he asked once Juhee got closer. She nodded. "Nice to meet you, I'm Yang Yang. We heard that you're gonna be competing in the Olympics," Yang Yang held his hand to Juhee for a handshake.

Juhee hesitantly shook it. "Yeah..." she didn't know what to say.

"If you don't mind, could you show us a skill?" he suddenly asked. Juhee blinked.

Suddenly? The girl thought about it.

She looked around and noticed the rest of them were still looking at her like she was a creature from a different world. "I mean, you don't have to. I've just never seen anything related to figure skating," he said while rubbing the back of his neck.

Juhee shook her head. "No, it's fine," she said. "I suppose I could show you," Yang Yang and the guys' faces brighten.

Have they really seen nothing about figure skating? Juhee wondered.

Juhee first warmed up by skating around the rink, forward and backward. She was careful not to skate near the guys since they were sitting on the ice. Juhee was skilled enough to do a jump without much practice since she'd been doing this for so long.

THE ICE ; LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now