Episode 48 : Easy Suspect

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It is now a wednesday noon at the mansion of the Marquez, Carlo, Valerie and their children were together for lunch......

Cornelius: (eating silently) (listens to everyone)
Carlo: so Valerie... how was the......
Valerie: (cuts off Carlo) (slaps Carlo's hand) (glares at Carlo)
*everyone seriously looks at Valerie and Carlo*
Alaska: what were you talking about dad???
Thalia: (looks confused at Alaska)
Carlo: ugh... (looks at Valerie) um.....
Valerie: your father is planning another project after the family on the other side destroyed and stole our plan.... it was probably a set up....
Cornelius: guys.... did you know what happened to Peyton's parents?? besides Peyton missing himself???
Robin: we do not care about them Cornelius....
*Julius, Princess and Aldrich enters the room*
Julius: I lowkey kinda feel bad.. (sits next to Alaska) (looks at the food)
Valerie: (looks nervous at Julius)
Julius: its just... who wants and tolerates killing.... or even just trying to kill....
Princess: (sits next to Julius) yeah... such an immoral thing to do... right uncle?
Carlo: (nods) ugh.. of course.....
Aldrich: guys... can we please do not mind our neighbors? remember what they did to our family????
Princess: and look what father did to Peyton's mother??! Aldrich, our father is one big criminal!! he deserves to be in jail and Peyton's mother deserves justice.....
Julius: and now Caesar's mother is in trouble..... she almost died, a bigger justice is needed...
Alaska: (looks confused at everyone)
*Valerie and Carlo looks nervously at each other*
Carlo: but... can we have such a peaceful lunch okay????
Kristoff: (enters the room) good afternoon to my loving relatives here and siblings...
Robin: (stares angrily) wow! one of our relatives whose a pet of the other family? wow! the audacity to come here huh?
Kristoff: yeah... the audacity that our family ruined their lives and ruined each others lives here... can't we see how unable we are???
Ryan: (stands up angrily) are you trying to say something??? (screams) go straight to the point!!!
Carlo: Robin! (screams angrily) do not cause trouble...
Robin: but they...
Carlo: (cuts off) why not try to be the nicer one.. this is why Peyton is winning more than you...
Ryan: (clenches his fists)
Kristoff: and do not worry... I am here to cordially invite my siblings to visit our dear father tomorrow.....
Princess: for what Kristoff??
Aldrich: yeah... like, we are debating here if we hate him...
Kristoff: it is a fucking no brainer Aldrich and of course he is a disgrace... we just want him to be clear that he is never going out of that prison again... he will never!
Julius: (looks nervous at Princess)
Princess: (nods) yes... I think Krist is right... we have to go...
Kristoff: then my work here is done.. see you siblings... visit us too soon.. (left)
Valerie: (feels nervous at everybody)
Carlo: we have to talk Robin after this okay? me and your mother.....
Thalia: (looks down nervously)
Robin: but dad....
Carlo: (screams angrily) just follow me! (cuts off Robin)
*everyone looks seriously at Robin*
Robin: (feels embarrassed)

After the dinner, Robin, Valerie and Carlo were at the home office talking....

Robin: (sits on the chairs in front of the desk) so what are we talking about? (feels annoyed)
Carlo: do not worry Robin... it is not really me telling you to shut up here... and to be honest, we have a confession....
Robin: huh? what?
Carlo: (looks at Valerie)
Valerie: Robin... I was behind Cara's accident.... that is why she is in a bad condition....
Robin: you did that mom????
Valerie: I just said it right????
Carlo: (punches the table) and do not ever say this because I also have a secret mission for you... and you must do your best to do this job okay???
Robin: what is it? (nods) I will do anything.....
Carlo: Peyton and Caesar is missing... I want you to hunt and patrol them and go trap them if you see them.....
Robin: can I do it alone?
Carlo: of course you can do it alone! you are Robin right????
Robin: but...
Carlo: (cuts off Robin) will you let Peyton get ahead of you? this is your time to be in control of Peyton's fate... I will let you play with him if you find him..... and you will never have any competition anymore!!
Robin: (looks down nervously) I can kill Peyton?
Valerie: if that is the answer to the problem? then go and do you thing? like what I did.... okay???
Carlo: and Valerie... I am not done with Davie... neither do I'm done with you.....
Valerie: what do you mean???
Carlo: I want them all dead... all of the people you tried to kill cause if you all fail and be the reason of suspect? (points Valerie and Robin angrily) I will have no mercy on you too...
*Valerie and Robin widens their eyes at each other*
Carlo: just see what I will do to Davie soon... he is the example of stupidity.... (stares at nothing angrily)

It is now night.... at the home office in the Santos mansion, Lucy and Dalton were there trying to look at the CCTV cameras from the night Cara fell......

Lucy: (reverses the video) so here... we have this scene of mon tragically falling to her painful condition..... and that dark person....
Dalton: (notices a cloaked person on the video) yeah... who is that suspect??? can we know her??? can we fast forward and zoom out where we see all the camera in the same time???
Lucy: (zooms out all the cameras) (fast forwards the videos) find anything suspicious....
Dalton: (watches the videos) (notices a person on the 11th camera taking off her cloak) wait.... maybe we can see who is it after all..... (points the camera) (focus on the footage)
Lucy: (zooms in the 11th camera's footage) this is the east side of the mansion and yeah... this is the criminal escaping.... (plays the video)
Valerie: (takes off her mask and cloak) (appears on the video) (keeps looking around the place) (feels nervous) (left)
Dalton: (eyes widens) that is non other than....
Lucy: (eyes widens at the video) that is Valerie... your aunt.....
Dalton: she tried to kill your mom.....
Lucy: (clenches her fists) Dalton.... do not hold me on this okay??? (stares angrily at the footage of Valerie) (pauses the video) I will find the right time to make her speak out about this...
Dalton: (looks nervous at Lucy)
Lucy: I will not let this pass....

This is it... the darkness keeps getting darker by episode.. tune in!

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