Chapter 26. Night Together

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She turned away from the railing and gasped, feeling him pick her up from the floor with his strong arms. Once he held her, he began to head back indoors and down the spiralled staircase.

"Nathan I can walk perfectly fine."

"Really?" He smirked. "My kiss seemed to have quite the effect on you."

She glanced away from him so he couldn't see how red she was, and remained silent as he walked through the empty hallways. When he passed by her bedroom door, she furrowed her brows in confusion, wondering if he had missed it by mistake. He continued walking until he reached the end of the hallway and stopped in front of a large double door she had never seen before.

"I think you missed my room, it's the other way."

His response only puzzled her more.

"I know."

He opened the door as he held her in his arms, pushing it all the way open with his foot. The room was much bigger than she had anticipated. When he placed her down, she shivered when her feet touched the cold tiled floor. The entire room was dimly lit, the only source of light coming from the candles of the chandelier. The few windows were covered by long red curtains, covering any moonlight from entering.

She had realised they were in a bedroom, and at the end of the room was the largest bed she had ever seen. The crimson covers were tucked tightly and neatly, and a mound of cushioned pillows laid on top.

There was also a fireplace, and although there www no fire the darkened wood had meant that it was in use. Everything was incredibly neat and tidy, even all the books in the bookshelves were organised. She had no idea who the room could belong to, but when she turned to see him smiling she finally put two and two together.

"This is your room?"

He nodded then turned around to close the door. She heard the lock click as she continued to scan around the room with curiosity.

"Sleep here, just for tonight."

She crossed her arms, feeling heat spread across her face.

"Could I sleep on the couch then?"

He inhaled sharply, walking to where she was until eventually he was in front of her.

"Is there a problem with us sleeping in the same bed?"

She widened, afraid that she had offended him.

"I just don't think it's right." She explained shyly. "I mean... only your mate should sleep in the same bed as you."

He heaved a world-weary sigh, then took a step closer to her until their faces were inches apart. Even after he had kissed her for a second time, she still didn't understand how much she meant to him.

"Olivia, you are my mate."

"But I'm a human."

"So? Vampires can have human mates. You know that."

She was stumped, unable to think of a witty response.

He was right afterall, she did read a lot from that book on vampire culture and one of the sections she read the most was about mates. Still, it had never crossed her mind that she could be his mate, it only seemed outlandish.

"But you're a pureblood."

"A human and a pureblood. Unlikely but not impossible."

She was silent and he had presumed that was the end of that, but the girl was still adamant.

"But you don't know that for sure, maybe in the future you'll meet someone else and change your mind."

It seemed silly, but it was something that would trouble her mind frequently. At first it irked him that she would think of such a thing, but his expression had softened seeing her saddened look.

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