|| Jean || Beautiful (AU, REQUEST)

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Pairing: Jean x Insecure! Reader

Tags: Hurt/comfort, AU

Description: Anonymous request!
Please write about Jean telling an insecure reader about how beautiful she is.



You stared at your reflection in the mirror. (H/l) (h/c) hair and (e/s) (e/c) eyes. Sometimes, you like what you see. But, most of the time, you just can't stand looking at yourself. It's always you're too fat, you're too skinny, your hair is a mess, your hair is too neat. You just can't be content with yourself. But, one thing for sure. You've always hated your sensitive skin. One wrong food, one wrong skin care products, or anything then boom. Pimples, red spots, anything not pretty to you.

At times, you are too afraid of showing your face to others when that occurred. Including to your boyfriend, Jean. You'd go far as to canceling dates or faking sickness just so you can hide your face when the breakout happens. 

"Hey, Jean, can we postpone our movie night?" You called your boyfriend because today, that condition occurred again. Haunting your mind.

"Baby, you alright?" Jean asked through the phone call. He sounded genuinely worried about you. "I mean, if you don't feel well, it's okay but... I'm worried about you."

"...It's... Those again. I just- I'm scared of letting you see me now." You replied with a slightly shaky voice.

"...Aww, baby. Listen, I will wait until you are comfortable with showing me your face and trust me enough. But, I just want to let you know that I love you not only for your face. I love you because you're you." Jean comforted you and you felt a sob slipped out of your lips.

"Oh, no. Did I say something wrong? No, no, please don't cry. Hey, I love you so so much. I'm so proud of you for being so strong. You mean a lot to me, (Y/n)." Jean panicked.

"You can come over, Jean. I've decided that you can see me now." You replied.

"Are you sure?" Jean asked again.

"Yeah, I am."

Around 20 minutes later, Jean arrived at your apartment bringing your favorite snacks, beverages, and everything nice he could find on his way to where you live. You were shy to show him your face at first, hiding it with your (f/c) hoodie. But, Jean was so gentle with you. He hugged you and rubbed your back.

"Don't laugh, okay?" You showed him your face and he gasped.

"You're still breathtaking to me." He smiled. "You are beautiful, (Y/n). I will keep telling you that until you believe it."

Jean gave you a light kiss on your forehead and you couldn't hold it back anymore. You cried a little while hugging him.

"You're cute when you cry but I prefer to see your smiling face." Jean wiped away your tears and kept giving you gentle pats on the head afterwards.

He then carried you to the couch. He wrapped you up in your softest and warmest blanket. Then he played your favorite movie. He held you tight while you two are watching the movie.

"Hey, Jean?"

"Yes, (Y/n)?"

"Thank you, I love you."

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