You can tell me anything

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{Previously on Love comes in mysterious ways... After a little bump with Luka, her nose started to bleed, and Luka decided to help her with her nosebleed. What Adrien saw wasn't what he was hoping for, he asked Marinette if was she mad about his rejection, and she started to feel cold to him and ignored him, he started to feel sad and decided to talk to her soon. After that, Marinette decided to take Luka to her quiet place and she thought about telling him what's been going on with her life. The question is: Can she trust him to keep her secret and will she get some help from Luka? We'll see in this chapter.}

Chapter 3: You can tell me anything

Meanwhile, Marinette faces Luka.

Luka: Marinette, are you okay?

Marinette: I-I'm fine. 'I'm gonna explode if I don't tell him. I hope I can trust him.' I need to tell you... 'Here goes.' I'm... Ladybug! *Luka didn't react or anything. * I'm gonna explain this, just don't say anything until I'm done.

 * I'm gonna explain this, just don't say anything until I'm done

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Luka: Okay. Continue.

Marinette: I've kept this secret from everyone because I don't want anyone to find out what I've been doing and you're the first one I'm telling you this because if Hawkmoth or Mayura find out about my secret, they'll use that in advantage to hurt the people I care mostly about and I don't want that to ever happen to anyone. I started to like this double life, but now that I have an important task besides being Ladybug, I'm also being the guardian of the miraculous, now because of me... I lost someone I am close to.

Luka: I'm sure it wasn't your fault

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Luka: I'm sure it wasn't your fault.

Marinette: It was. I put him in danger, and now thanks to me... he lost his memory and now I'm the guardian. I thought I would take the high road with this one, but now it might take a toll on my other life. *She covered her eyes and cried softly, Luka then pulled her in for a hug. *

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