𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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Alessia POV

I took a deep breath preparing to meet my so-called-family. I opened the door to find an old man at the head of the table. Impatience swirled in his eyes with anger and joy but his face remained unreadable.

The man was a copy of Giovanni but more fearful I guess. I didn't really know that after I met death multiple times but it refused to take me. 

All their heads snapped to me after I closed the door. Romeo looked livid but I did not care. Romeo seemed to be holding back or he would have already snapped.

Santino's face showed annoyance but my curiosity for the man sitting in front of everyone diverted my attention, his presence was demanding respect and his aura emitting fear to those who knew better.

I met multiple people who always had this facade up but they always broke in the end. Not paying anymore attention to him I surveyed the table looking for an open seat. There were three: one at the other end of the table, another next to the old man's chair and lastly one opposite Romeo.

I wasn't in the mood to sit next to either of them so I took the one at the end of the table. They all looked at me in shock. It's just a sit nothing special.

Giovanni suppressed his shock and spoke up "That's where mom used to sit," He spoke slowly, his eyes coated with a thin layer of tears. They didn't roll down but only a blind person could not be able to see it.

I'm guessing Giovanni was the emotional one in the family.

Everybody stiffened at the word 'mom.' I hadn't heard that word in years and I'm guessing they didn't too.

Dante immediately changed the conversation "Why don't we eat?" He clapped his hands together making some maids come out carrying food.

Food my friend I missed you! We will unite when you enter my blessed mouth and massaged by my taste buds to full capacity.

After some food was placed on my plate. I looked up feeling someone's eyes on me. It was the old man, he was looking at me expectantly. What does he want? I don't even know him

The man looked at my raised eyebrow in question of why he was still looking at me. 

"Alessia," the old man started. I was shocked how he knew my name. I kept my head down looking at my food not allowing everybody to see how shocked I was.

"Are you deaf now? Oh wait of course you are! How could you not have answered the door and slammed it when I was talking to you earlier!" Romeo spoke.

I recovered from my shock quickly after his comment. His distaste for me was unbelievable. I don't like you too buddy but I don't show it in public. I continued looking down at my food dismissing Romeo's statement.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He grabbed my chin ferociously.

Did he just want to start an argument over a stranger calling my name? 

I just got here just this morning and I'm already administering such foul behavior from somebody I'm supposed to call my brother?

Where did his manners go? But yet again he was rude to me the whole time I got here.

"Enough!" The old man's voice boomed with authority.

"But father! She's disrespecting you!" Antonio added.

Wait what?! Father? This old man is my father? Should have expected this.

"And that's why she is going to learn the rules but first let us all have dinner without any noise or violence," he spoke once more before returning to his food.

Wow. I just got here and I'm being given rules? How about Romeo I'm sure you have rules for him to follow? Where is his punishment for spitting bullshit in my face and manhandling my chin? 

I imagined a lot about what my family would be on the plane ride but never sexist pigs. I guess people never seize to amaze me.

Romeo let go of my chin but threw me distasteful glances throughout the meal. After the wonderful food despite the tension in the room 'father' called me to his office. 

Do I look like I know where his office is?

I just got here. I haven't even had a tour. I walked back to the dining room to find Dante sitting there scrolling through his phone.

I cleared my throat to get his attention.

"Oh hey Alessia! What's up?" He spoke looking up from his phone.

I signed. I needed help finding 'father's' office. He looked at me confused. 

How stupid of me. He doesn't know sign language. I walked over and grabbed his phone opening notepad, writing down my sentence.

"Oh! Go up to the third floor and press the voice speaker thingy then after dad opens the door enter the second room with big double doors."

Thanks. I typed quickly, rushing out the room. I think my vocabulary is bigger than his. I followed Dante's instructions until I was in 'father's' office-I will have to call him until I know his name-facing him and Antonio.

"Alessia please sit down we have some rules to discuss." Antonio pointed to the seat next to him in front of 'father's' office desk.

I held my hand, pointing my index finger telling him to wait a moment. My eyes moved around the room until I found a piece of paper and a pen.

I grabbed them both knowing I would be arguing with them for sure. I nodded my head after sitting down telling them to start their double standard rules.

"1. No boyfriends."

Wasn't planning on it but to anger them I might just make out with a few people one or two.

"2. You have a bedtime weekdays 8PM, weekends 9PM."

What the hell am I? A child?

After some more rules, (A/N: I can't be bothered to write) Antonio finally spoke up.

"Also do not disrespect us," he gave me a warning look.

Now that made me tick who the hell does he think he is. Demanding my respect as if it's candy. My paper was almost full on one side with reasons of why this rules aren't even needed. 

I quickly scribbled down "You don't demand respect from me if you want it earn it. I don't give it out like candy." After handing my paper to 'father' I quickly stood up not bothering to wait for their reaction. 


Written by:  1-800-SADISTICCHERRY

Written by:  1-800-SADISTICCHERRY

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