chapter 1.

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The only word that could describe her as she entered the room. Her chest high and shoulders pushed back, hands tucked into her pockets— almost like she knew she was untouchable.

"He said he'd have them here tonight, what's going on? " Alexander said, trailing behind her.

She couldn't help but look back, raising a brow at the conversation he was having on the phone. His eyes shifted from the floor and up to her wary eyes, giving her a slight nod, signaling that everything was alright before she looked away.

"And that delivery? " he continued.

The brown skinned girl stepped into the building, the sound of the roaring club overwhelming her. Alexander placed his hand on the small of her back, leading her slowly through the crowd of partying club goers.

"Busy night? " Alex spoke once again, one of the bouncers tugging the door to their private lounge and nodding.

Parker's hands rested in the pockets of her flared, black, silky pants. The loud music muffled as the door closed, the people in the room shifting their attention to the dark haired girl.

Her eyes locked on one person, the man sitting in the middle of one of the suede sofas, a joint between his two fingers. She approached the man, her partner in crime following behind closely as the few people in the room continued conversing.

"Where is it? " she asked, cutting straight to the chase.

The man chuckled, taking a pull from the joint, blowing the smoke out from the corner of his lips.

" Someone's in a rush, eh? " he replied.

" Cut the shit. Where is it? " she repeated, shifting on her feet.

She watched as the man reached next to his chair, a red suitcase appearing and sliding across the table that separated them. Her eyes shifted to Alexander, signaling him to check the case.

Parker's eyes shifted around the room, still cautious although many knew fucking with someone who had the amount of power she had wouldn't be the wisest decision.

" See? I keep my word. " the man laughed, choking a bit as a cloud of smoke left his nose and mouth.

Alexander looked back at Parker, moving so she could see the contents of the bag.

" Count it. " she demanded, her eyes glued on the stacks of green paper in front of her.

That was what he did, Alexander crouched down, first counting the amount of bills in each bundle, then counting each bundle.

" It's all there. " He said, reassuringly.

The women's eyes shifted back up to the man, giving him a slight nod as Alex zipped the suitcase back up.

" Let's go then." she said, turning around and walking to the door.

She waded through the crowd, the loud music almost immediately irritating her. Not to mention, the shoulders of randoms pushing into her wasn't really her forte. Alex noticed this, of course, resting his hands on the womens shoulders and guiding her out the back of the club.

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