23. "Does weed make you horny"

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Cassie - italics | Gael - bold

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Cassie - italics | Gael - bold

After I showered, I was about to hop into bed until I heard my door again. I figured it was Noah, asking for snacks since my mom stocked me up as usual. But then again, Noah knows that I keep my door unlocked and doesn't have a problem busting in.

When I opened my door, it was Cassie. I rubbed through my curly wet hair, looking behind her, but she was alone. She looked up at me with a nervous grin and her eyes, red and hanging low.

"Twice in one day?" I said, watching her glistening eyes widened as she saw my clothing choice. The only form of clothing I had on was boxers, and it was hard for her to keep focus.

Cassie seemed choked up, not sure what to say. Earlier, she had most of her hair in a bun, but it was all out, hanging over her white shirt. It's no secret that I'm extremely attracted to her, and it's not just because of her appearance. I know she's going through a lot, and some of those things she subtly trusted telling me, but I find the mystery sexy. She held herself in a mature but playful manner, and It's new for me.

She gagged, trying her hardest to keep her eyes on mine. "Can I come in?"

Jokingly, I pushed the door open and said, "Didn't think I'd ever hear that question come out of your mouth."

"Well, I'm high, and I don't really want to be alone." She admitted, walking past me as I stood at the door. As I closed the it, I saw Cassie strolling around my living room, looking at my work on the wall. She kept her hands behind her back as she walked like she was in an art gallery. I thought about putting clothes on, but it's my apartment. "Besides, we sort of stole your lighter, well borrowed, and I'm returning it."

Cassie pushed her hand out and shrugged her right shoulder. "Well, you could've kept it," I said, watching her continue looking around.

"Why would I do that? It's yours." She asked, unable to keep still.

"You might get another itch to smoke again," I shrugged and cupped my jaw. "How did it make you feel?"

She jumped up with a burst of energy and a cheeky smile on her face. "I feel...empty, but in a good way. I struggle with what goes on in my head, and there's nothing. And I don't know If I'm hungry or thirsty." Cassie laughed, falling onto my couch. I laughed, watching her show me a new side of herself.

"Do you want me to make food, Cassie?" I asked, leaning on the counter. I didn't necessarily feel like cooking anything, but I remember what my mom told me. To learn to be more open and help Cassie find her way because she's new here. Besides, I didn't mind because I had nothing to do tomorrow morning.

She pushed her long hair to her back. "Do you want to make food, Gael?" She challenged as my face went straight.

"I'm asking you a question," I said, narrowing my eyebrows at her. I didn't mind this goofy side of her, and I thought it was cute. Not once did she stop smiling and looking at me. It was one of those smiles that made you want to do anything; she was contagious.

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