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the comeback was only a little while away, and to say the boys were stressing was an understatement. their manager had given them these few days off to rest, though, so that was a bonus. the next month or so would be filled with almost back to back performances with little to no breaks, so they treasured these few days dearly.

as suga groggily stepped down the stairs after sleeping in until eleven in the morning, the first thing he was met with was taehyung, jin, jungkook, and jimin yelling at each other over a very intense game of Mario Kart.

"could you guys keep it down?" suga asked, sounding rather pissed as he made his way to the coffee machine, sending you a text on his way.

jin didn't even look over his shoulder as he yelled, "the grandpa awakens!" before violently moving his remote to the left during a sharp turn. a much more polite chorus of "morning, suga-hyung," followed from the younger members before immediately erupting into shouts again as one of their characters fell off a bridge.

suga sighed as he grabbed his drink, deciding that it would be better to spend the day in his room if they were going to keep yelling like that. unfortunately, hoseok had other plans. as he was coming down the stairs, he grabbed suga's collar and pulled him towards the couch with the others, who were still shouting loudly. "be social~! come and spend the day with the rest of us!"

"it's not like i don't see you all every day," suga replied, rather bluntly, but let himself be dragged over.

hoseok pouted. "you know you love us~"

suga sipped his coffee in response as he took a seat on the floor, watching the game. "debatable."

as hoseok clutched his chest, pretending to be hurt, jin stood up from the couch and shouted. "haha! i won! take that!"

"of course you won, no one else can play through Rainbow Road without falling off the course half a million times!" jimin shouted back.

completely ignoring the younger member, jin continued shouting. "as the undeniable winner and oldest, i say we order pizza for dinner and jungkook pays."

jungkook yelled back immediately. "why me?!"

"because i said so. do you guys want a go?" jin said, sitting back down and looking at suga and hoseok who were watching their yelling match in amusement.

"nah, watching you seems twice as fun." suga took another sip of his coffee as hoseok jumped up and got one of the controllers from jimin, the sore loser, who came in dead last. checking his messages, they opened up on the thread between you and suga. you left him on read.


"pizza hath arrived!" jin declared happily, bringing the box he ended up paying for into the living room. the youngest members clapped, having anticipated this all day. he placed the box in front of the others on the coffee table before opening it and taking the first slice for himself.

as everyone happily took slices of pizza and ate them, only half watching the local news that was playing on the tv, hoseok spoke up after swallowing a mouthful. "so, yoongi, when are you going to confess?"

the older choked on his slice of pizza slightly as the other members looked over, trying not to laugh in fear of choking. "what?"

"you know what i'm talking about. we all know you like each other, and i really think you should confess before the comeback so you have some time to spend with her before our schedule blows up." hoseok commented, and several of the others nodded in agreement.

"first of all, what if she doesn't like me back? second of all, our manager is going to be pissed if i get a girlfriend, and third of all, why? can't i enjoy a piece of pizza without you telling me to confess?" suga swallowed the mouthful he almost choked on.

"i'm gonna be completely real with you here, no teasing or anything," jin said, reaching for another slice, "she definitely likes you back, i even asked jin-ae to ask and she said she did. and i agree with hoseok, you should at least go on one date before our schedule blows up after the comeback. and who cares about our manager? if you really love her, wouldn't you love her regardless of whether or not you were allowed to or not?"

suga blinked a couple of times as jin and the others stared at him, waiting for a response. he really needed to be alone to think through this.

"it's up to you, though. that's what i would do." jin said, shrugging before digging into his second slice.

suga furrowed his brow in thought. "i'll think about it. i don't know. maybe. i'll let you guys know if anything happens." he finished his slice of pizza before getting up, not really in the mood to continue eating.

"just do it~!" hoseok sung from behind him as he retreated up the stairs.

suga closed his door with a heavy sigh, his hand resting on the doorknob as he thought. should he...? well, what was there to lose? the worst you could say was no, and even then it would probably feel better having his feelings out in the open.

then again, you could say you didn't want to be friends with him anymore... suga quickly shook the thought out of his head. he knew you weren't the type of person who would end a friendship over something like that. or, at least, he hoped so. with his heart pounding a mile a minute, he pulled his phone out, swearing that no matter what, tonight was the night.

he was going to confess his feelings.

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