step one

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°•☆♡you look like a ghost♡☆•°

°•☆♡you look like a ghost♡☆•°

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You couldn't sleep. Again. You didn't even know what time it was but it felt like the middle of the night. As always.

"Shit." you sighted and got up from bed."It's better for me to not look in the mirror right now..." you said, trying to brush your h/c hair.

You sat on yor chair and looked bored on the clock. '3am again' you thought while playing with the end of your pyjama top. Your room was painfully quiet. All you could hear were the sounds of a clock on your wall.

'Ugh. I guess I don't have any other options' you thought and stand up from chair.

You grabbed a black acoustic guitar and decided to go to the common room because you didn't want to wake anyone up. Aspecially Mina or Jirou because you knew how worried they would be about yor little sleeping problem. You sat on the couch starying at guitar for couple minutes. What should you play?

'Maybe a cup of good tea would make me more inspired...' you sighted and went to the kitchen.

You grabbed a bag of strawberry tea and put it in your favourite cup, waiting for water to boil. You could barely see anything because of darkness but you didn't want to turn the lights on. It would definetly wake everyone up. When water boiled you carrefully started to pour it into a cup.

"Holy s-shit" you heard someone's voice out of nowhere. It scared you that much that you almost dropped the kettle with hot water in it on your hand.

"What the fuck are you doing here in the middle of the night?" you heard the same voice again.

You focused your gaze on a familiar male figure standing next to you. It was dark but you could clearly see the blonde spiky hair and red eyes that were almost glowing in the dark.

"You scared the shit out of me. You wanted to make the second Peppermint of me?" you said as you calmly put the hot kettle down

"And who says that? You looked like a fucking ghost, weirdo." the boy said angrily

" the boy said angrily

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strawberry tea | katsuki bakugõWhere stories live. Discover now