(11) His Betrayal [R]

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Welcome to one of the longest chapters in the book [if not the longest].

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Reminder: I allow zero story translations

Reader POV

"Are you sure you want to go to war with them?" Kiyoomi asked me as we left the area and flipped off the killers of our parents.

I nodded. "Do you, dear brother of mine?"


The annoying sound of Miya Atsumu's voice interrupted our conversation.

He was tugging Natasha's hand, nails digging into her skin.

"Let go of me, you sadistic bananna peel on crack cocaine!" She screeched.

I let go of my brother's arm and stormed over to Atsumu, slapping him in the face and getting between him and his darling Natasha.

"Move out of the way, ya unloved piece of shit!" He spat.

I glared at him with hatred and kicked him in the spot. "I hope you become infertile, you actual scumbag. This is why I-"

"(y/n)." Kiyoomi's playful rare smile disappeared to reveal the face he gave me the night we fought.

The night where we almost killed each other.

Flashback (years ago, age 15 [Kiyoomi is 16 in this flashback])

"(y/n)! Kiyoomi!" Mother yelled across the courtyard where Kiyoomi and I were playing chess. "Come here! There's someone I want you to meet."

"Is this why Mother had us dress up in nice clothing?" I asked Kiyoomi as I fixed my hair and he fixed his tunic.

"I suppose so." He linked arms with me, leading the way. "Shall we?"

I batted away some pesky mosquitoes.

Even though we were covered head-to-toe in repelant and the traditional Indian clothing, the mosquitoes were horrible.

"You look beautiful," my father smiled at me. "Your mother always did have an eye for fashion."

I glanced down at my outfit and shrugged. "I'm not against it."

(Ngl I love this outfit. It's so pretty- and ofc I had to include India on one of the places this book will touch upon because #culturerepresentation)

"I hate this heat," I said with annoyance as a cool breeze whoosed by, making the peacocks scurry around us.

"You said it," Kiyoomi frowned.

Our conversation died down when we saw a pretty silver haired girl about 5'7 standing in an outfit similar to mine but purple and silver.

"This is Ivanov Natasha," Mother explained.

Kiyoomi was about to speak when our servant Miya Atsumu frowned. "Her?!"

"Shut your mouth," Father snapped at him.

Atsumu's fox companion glared at him and walked away, tail high in the air.

"This is your betrothed," Father explained to Kiyoomi. "Since your sister is betrothed to both Ushijima Wakatoshi and Tendo Satori."

"But Father, I'm already in a relationship with someone!"

"Oh, we know." He glanced at Atsumu who found sudden interest in the beautiful architecture of the mansion. "With your permission, we can extend the betrothed lines to you and Atsumu."

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