4 - When We First Met

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Pls he is so cute and underrated, i cry.



Even though Lev told me that he wouldnt eat with me for lunch today, im sure hes already forgotten. i made my way to the roof of the school, where we usually sat for lunch.

To my surprsise, he was actually serious. Usually he was the first one there and i was always late to lunch because i'd lose track of time. But hes not here so i guess im by myself.

I laid flat on the bench and popped in my headphones.
(Training Wheels- Melanie martinez)

"Riding down, riding down with my hand on your seat the whole way round"

"I carry band-aids on me now, for when your soft hands hit the jagged ground"

"Wheels arent even touching the ground. Scared to take them off but theyre so worn down"

I closed my eyes and began to think about my future with Lev. Whether we end up dating or not, i know that we'll be in each others lives till one of us kicks the bucket. That much is apparent.

"I love everything you do. When you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit i do. I wanna ride my bike with you, fully undressed. No training wheels left for you"

"And i'll pull them off for you"

It was really windy outside but i could still feel the sunlight burn my skin slightly, not enough to do any damage. It was that familiar satisfying feeling you get when you feel the sun hitting your skin, the slight burning sensation.

i figured since i was alone on the roof of the building, why not sing. So i did.

"Letting go, letting go. Telling you things you already know"

"I explode, i explode. Asking you where you want us to go. Youve been riding two-wheelers all your life. Its not like im asking to be your wife"

"I wanna make you mine but thats hard to say. Is this coming off in a cheesy way?"

Yeah, no shit right? If any song spoke the way i feel right now right to the very last detail, it would be this one.

"I love everything you do, when you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit i do"

My mind played various memories of Lev and i as children. You know, like how they do in those cliche movies or the life recap that they do before someone dies? Yeah, that happened but with specific memories of me and lev.

"Y/n say hi to your new neighbor!" my mom placed her hand on my back, inching me closer to the tall sliver-haired boy with a wild blush and a girl with the same silver hair and a smile. I stared at the two kids who towered over me and became frightened. I went against my mothers hand and ran behind her, shielding myself from the two kids as if they were about to devour me. My mother apologized for my rude behavior, explaining that i wasn't a talkative child and i had a hard time communicating.
The mother of the two green eyed children set her hands on the shorter boy and moved him forward. My mother grabbed my hand from behind her and forced me to face the boy, who wore the worlds largest grin. "Hi i'm Lev" He grabbed my hand and shook it. My face cringed at the sudden contact, realizing that he was one of those sticky children.
Lev yanked my hand and ran inside of my house, leaving his sister and our mothers outside. All of his bold moves took me by surprise. "Where is your room?" He turned around and smiled at me with a pink tint around his cheeks. I pointed at the room at the end of the hall, not even a second later, we stood at the door of my room.
"Open it" He smiled. I opened the door, revealing a small wooden bed and 2 shelves filled with books and mangas, the walls of my room had posters of my favorite mangas and animes. At the age of 5, i knew how to read exceptionally well.
"WOW" Levs green eyes sparkled as he looked at all the books on the shelves. He picked one out. "my hero ak-er-dam-i-ah? IS IT ABOUT HEROS?". The only thing that ran through my 5 year old mind was 'wow he likes what i like too' and it made my inner child dance with happiness, yet all i could do was nod.
"THATS AWESOME. I LIKE HEROS TOO!!" Lev flipped through the pages. "I have books just like these!". At my age, it was hard to find someone with the same interests as me, i understood that at the time so when i found out that Lev liked the same thing that i did, it made me the happiest child on the planet. "D-do you want to play hero and bad guy" I asked as i took the book from his hands and placed it back on the shelf. "ILL BE THE BAD GUY. What's your superpower. i want big hard punches and be strong like superman" Lev said as he punched the air.
"I want to run fast". After all was said and done, Lev and i ran throughout my house, chasing each other and laughing like no tomorrow. Lev was the one who got me out of my small, secluded shell. With him, i behaved as a normal 5 year old child should, carefree and happy.
Lev ran up to the top of the steps and stuck his tongue out at me. I stood at the very bottom, the words 'do not go upstairs' said by my mother rang through my ears. "Lev i can't go up there. My mom said no" Worry spread across my face as i became scared to get into trouble by my parents. "Come on, come get me hero!" He laughed evilly, completely disregarding my warning.
"You'll hurt yourself! Please get down" At this point, Lev got me to talk more than anyone has. Lev huffed and ran down the steps. Tripping over his untied shoe, Lev rolled down my stairs and ended up breaking his arm. Luckily, Levs mom wasn't too upset with us, she almost seemed used to his behavior.
That was the first memory that Lev and i share. It is one that i hold dear in my heart. After that day, Lev only came around more and more, slowly getting me to talk as a result. Neither me nor my family knows what we'd do without Lev.

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