Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: On Patrol

Megatron was up early as usual, ready to lead the morning patrol. Starscream had been filling in for him due to his busy schedule and the injuries he had previously acquired, but now he was ready to pick up his duties again.

He created two teams so that they could cover more ground. Team Alpha was comprised of himself and Starscream, while team Bravo was comprised of Dreadwing and Skyquake. Simultaneously, a ground team would be scouting for new energon. That team would be led by Breakdown. Everyone was going to be out today, aside from Knockout, Shockwave, and Soundwave, who would remain at base in case someone ran into a problem.

After giving a quick briefing about everyone's tasks, Megatron set out with Starscream to begin their patrol.


A few uneventful hours later, Megatron was hopeful when he received a ping from Starscream. Hopefully that meant he found something of interest. The seeker had flown ahead while he stayed a distance behind to lessen the chances of them being spotted. He was more worried about being detected by Autobots than he was humans. They couldn't see them anyways since they were well above the clouds.

<<Go ahead.>> Megatron said, watching for the glow of Starscream's thrusters ahead of him.

<<Something just popped up on my scanners, but I'm not quite sure what it is. It's tailing us at the moment.>> Starscream replied.

<<Do not engage. It might be a human aircraft.>> Megatron said as he checked behind himself. Sure enough, there was a fighter jet right on his tail.

::This is special agent William Fowler! Identify yourselves!::

<<How did a human get on this frequency!?>> Starscream exclaimed, utterly shocked.

<<He isn't on our frequency. Since our vehicle modes are human-based, he can access the radio system.>> Megatron explained. <<Just stay calm, I'll handle this.>>

::Unknown aircraft, you are trespassing in the United States airspace. If you don't identify yourselves in the next five seconds, I'll blow you out of the damn sky!::

::Agent Fowler, we mean you no harm.:: Megatron said, hoping Fowler wouldn't try to shoot him down. He'd rather not be responsible for the downing of a human aircraft.

::I'll be the judge of that! You're lucky I'm not shooting you down right now!:: Fowler replied, his voice blaring in Megatron's audio receptors. ::Land at these coordinates and prepare to hand yourselves over to the United States Army!::

Megatron groaned in dismay. He was wanting to just move on without any conflict, but it seemed like this human had other ideas. The fact that Fowler mentioned some sort of army made him nervous.

<<What are we going to do?>> Starscream asked worriedly.

<<We're going to do what he said.>> Megatron sighed.

<<But then their army will know of our presence! What if they see us as a threat and hunt us down!? We won't stand a chance against them and Nemesis!>>

<<We have no other choice. I will try my best to uphold their wishes in order to lower their hostility towards us, but do not under any circumstances engage them if they attack. Remember, we are peacekeepers, not warmongers.>>

<<Understood, sir..>>


Fowler escorted them the entire time.

When they did arrive at the coordinates, Megatron could see that a small group of humans had gathered in the area. They all wore the same uniform and had weapons at the ready. This wasn't looking too good so far.

Megatron landed in the space that had been provided, but did not transform. Instead, both he and Starscream remained in their vehicle modes to see what the humans would do.

After Agent Fowler had landed his jet and climbed out, he was handed a gun by one of the men.

<<I don't like this, Megatron. It feels like we're being held hostage.>> Starscream muttered nervously. He wanted to get out of there.

<<Relax. I won't let them do anything.>> Megatron replied, watching Fowler walk towards them.

"Alright, I'm gonna say this one time and one time only! Step out of the aircraft with your hands in the air and surrender!" Fowler shouted as he pointed his gun at Megatron.

"I'm afraid it doesn't quite work that wa-" Megatron began to say, but was rudely interrupted.

"Get out now! Don't make me blow up your sorry asses!"

Megatron sighed. "Okay, fine."

Within a second, his vehicle form began folding in on itself. Metal plating and the inner workings of machinery shifted and fused together until he stood before the humans, fully transformed into his bipedal form. Starscream did the same after a few moments, though he was noticeably more nervous than Megatron was.

If it were possible, Fowler's jaw would've dropped to the ground. He was frozen in shock, unsure of what to do with the two hulking metal beings standing before him.

Megatron immediately raised his servos in surrender, praying they wouldn't open fire. "Before you do anything rash, I will repeat what I said before. We do not mean you any harm."

Fowler continued to stare for a few minutes. "Y-You've got a lot of explaining to do..." He said, trying to sound tough and failing because of his shaky voice.

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