The morning after

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Harry woke up the day after Halloween, a Sunday, to a very loud Hermione begging for Harry to open his cutrains. "Harry, please. I just want to talk to you, you don't even have to say anything just let me in and listen." The curtains flew open and Hermione saw Harry sitting up in bed, dark circles surrounding his blood shot eyes almost as though he hadn't slept at all. "Hi, how are you?"

Before he responded, Harry glanced past Hermiones shoulder to see Draco's empty bed, "I don't know, Hermione. I just got outed to all of my friends and I'm going to lose someone I thought I was getting close to, how do you think I am?" He rolled his eyes at her, angry not at her but at himself for getting into this situation. 

Hermione smiled lightly at Harry, placing a hand on his knee in a friendly manner to support him, "I don't think you're going to lose Draco." 

"What makes you say that?"

"Pansy and I, we didn't start our game to get you too together for no reason. We saw something Harry, we saw what you could be with him, before you even thought of him as a friend. Now we could have been wrong and honestly we didn't think it was going to work- "

"So, why did you do it. I mean couldn't you just let me figure it out."

"I've watched you while you've been at Hogwarts, everyone knows who you are yet you some how blend into the back ground. Even with Ginny you never made a move, she did, so what would have happened if she had of left it to you?"

"Well, I - I don't know. Nothing?"

"My point is Harry, we don't always know what we want, sometimes you just need a push to figure it out. Pansy and I, we have agreed to leave you two alone now, but it's up to you to surface now, don't be so conserved Harry, show him who you are and that you are worth knowing and loving."

"But he only sees me as a friend Hermione. What if I scared him away?"

"I woulnd't be so sure of that Harry. Look, last night I heard you call him Dray, where did that come from?"

"Oh, I don't know." Harry bowed his head slightly in embarrassment, his cheeks turning a light rosy shade of pink, "It just comes out sometimes."

"Don't be ashamed Harry, its cute. Does he have a nickname for you?"

"Oh, um... well I guess he has called me Haz a couple of times" Harry remembered days earlier in the bathroom where Draco had comforted him, where they called each other these nicknames like they had known each other forever. It felt safe with Draco there, like nothing and no one could ever hurt him.

"Cute" Hermione smiled, "You know, not just everyone has cute nicknames for each other."

"What do you mean, Ron is a nick name, Ginny is a nick name."

"No thats not what I mean. Everyone calls Ronald and Ginerva, Ron and Ginny, it has always been that way, but when has anyone ever called Draco, Dray or you Haz. They haven't Harry."

"But what does that have to do with anything?"

"Harry, do you remember when Lavender dated Ron."

Harry laughed at this, suprised and confused at why Hermione was bringing this up. "Yes, I do."

"Well, do you remeber hearing those ridiculus names she would call him?"

"Won-won?" Harry burst out laughing unable to control holding it in as he recalled the memories. 

Hermione laughed lightly along with Harry, "Yes, that. Well, she made that up, called him that name because it was hers to call him. No one else called him that, it was her way of keeping close to him, claiming him. It may sound ridiculus but when you think about it's sweet. Instead of calling him babe, or baby, she called him Won-won."

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