1 ~ Waiting

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System Rebooting...
System online: Power ON

You slowly blinked a few times and your fingers twitched slightly as you attempted to focus your eyes but you couldn't see anything in front of you, there was only blurs of color bursting through the dark.

Suddenly a floating screen appeared right in front of you, like a hologram. Even though you couldn't see your surroundings you could clearly see the screen hovering in front of you as you read the text

System reboot in progress:
Processing -----10%------

You attempted to look around again but all you could see was blurs of color and the faint sounds of cars passing by. However, soon a screen appeared again

System check in process---
System check: eye power restored

Suddenly it was like the world came to life around you as your vision finally focused on the blurs of color and you saw the bright city in the distance. You slowly turned your head to get a good look at your surroundings. You were currently sitting on the ground leaned against a brick wall and the crumbling stone falling from the wall right in front of you indicated you were in a small alleyway.

You attempted to sit up and touch the piece of crumbling wall only a few feet away from you but you couldn't move so you just stayed sitting as your hands touched the cold concrete of the alleyway ground

System check: power restored to arms

You gently moved your arms almost testing them out as you lifted your body slightly so you were sitting up at a better angle and you could see out the small alleyway opening. You knew you weren't near any main streets considering that there hadn't been any people who had passed yet and the sound of the cars travelling through the night was distant

You felt another cold breeze as you looked down at your clothing. You wore a simple white shirt and a pair of slightly lose pants that were cut at the ankle. It barely kept you warm at all while the cold night air was passing through the small alleyway constantly


You felt a small wet droplet hit your hand while your eyes traveled back up seeing the dark sky above.

You watched as the rain suddenly began pouring down but you remained seated as your clothes and hair got soaked.

You had no reason to move, you had no idea where you were...or exactly what you were.

Process -----65%------

Side extension activated: GPS
location --- Megacity of Seoul

Seoul, home to the most advanced technology in the world

Process -----78%------

You looked around seeing the small stores around you and noticed the large buildings with balconies. You knew this was most likely an area where humans lived.

Process -----87%------

Your eyes traveled down to the small puddle that had formed on the ground next to you and you stared at it intensely. Your hand slowly reached out while you saw the reflection.

Process -----95%------

You...you looked like a human.

Were you...were you a human?

Process -----100%------
Error Error Error
System hard drive changes: System not reading unidentified changes

Ignore and continued with reboot:
Yes or No

System restored: Robot model added

Suddenly a flood of more information rushed in and you knew... you knew exactly what you were.

You were not a human, you were a robot.

You slowly sat back against the alleyway wall while another screen came up

IHAH Model welcome back.
System Reboot is complete: All previous data has been erased

Who is your master:______

Yes, that was your name. You were IHAH. You looked around again seeing no one around you, not a single person, just the soft sounds of the rain pouring was the only company you had.

Where was your human, why was no one here.

Who were you meant to serve.

You simply sat quietly waiting for orders, waiting for your assigned human.

The rain continued to soak the clothes your wore while you sat there for hours. The small puddle had formed into a large puddle that was now filling with more rain water as the time passed but still you sat alone quietly in the rain.

System alert: left leg damage

Your eyes traveled to your left leg and slowly your reached over and lifted the baggy pant leg. Your synthetic skin had been removed in a small area showing the wires and metal underneath. 

You then tried to move the leg but nothing happened

System alert: left leg must be repaired for proper function

You sat back again while you stared at the alleyway wall in front of you.

Why were you here, where was your human. Why...why were you left broken and alone.

You had many questions but no answers, why were you rebooted, only defective robots get rebooted. You felt water droplets fall from your soaked hair as you heard soft footsteps approaching you. The footsteps echoed in the alleyway until the person was standing beside you.

"are you alright, do you need me to call someone for you" the voice was soft while you looked up seeing a human male as he held his umbrella over you covering you from the rain. His brown hair was getting soaked by the rain as he chose to shelter you from the rain instead of himself

"hello, I am IHAH. I am awaiting orders" you spoke out while the male looked at you and a flash of an emotion you didn't know covered his face.

"you're a robot" he said as he retracted his umbrella and he went back to covering his own body 

You were only programed to know a few emotions like every robot built so you didn't know the emotion expressed on the humans face but you did know one thing "you're heart rate is rapidly increasing. Should I call medical emergencies for you" you spoke

Just like every robot you were designed to help every human until you were assigned one person, then you would forever be assigned to the one human until rebooted

The look the male gave you faded and suddenly a neutral expression was on his face while he turned and he slowly walked away leaving you there

You simply remained sitting while the cold rain fell from the dark night sky waiting

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