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I woke up and he was still sleeping, I crawled out of his arms as carefully as I could so I didn't wake him. I started getting ready and Jack came over.

Vee "Be quiet."
Jack "Why?"
Vee "Timotheé is sleeping."
Jack "Did you guys, you know?"
Vee "No he just spent the night."
Jack "Mhmm."
Vee "Jack, nothing happened except cuddling."
Jack "Woah, your moving to fast."
Vee "Shut up."

He laughed and I finished doing my makeup, I went downstairs and ate some toast. I was scrolling through Instagram trying to kill time before having to leave. But that didn't really happen, I went back upstairs and grabbed my shoes, I kissed Timotheé on his head and wrote him a little note. I locked the door and started walking to work...

Today wasn't as busy and stressful, and Syd actually came to work. I cleaned up some tables and cleaned the bar area, it was full of men and I kept serving them drinks. Which was good for me, they would give me good tips and get drunk, but then Jason, my manager, had to kick them out for being too loud and destructive. They would be back tomorrow and Jason never banned them because they brought good money to our business.

    ° 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 After work.. ° 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂

I was walking home and counting my tips, I had made 80 dollars in tips thanks to those men at the bar. It was quite cold outside so I tried to walk faster in order it get home already. Jack rolled up behind me and seemed like he was in a rush.

Jack "I have something to tell you."
Vee "What is it..?"
Jack "Timotheé's birthday is on the 27th!"
Vee "How do you know?"
Jack "Tommy told me."
Vee "How did he know?"
Jack "Tommy finds out everything, so it had to be true. So what you getting him?"
Vee "I don't know, I didn't know his birthday was in a couple of days."
Jack "Let's go to the mall tomorrow and we can get him something there."
Vee "What time?"
Jack "Whenever, I'll just come over and we can leave."
Vee "Okay."

I walked up to my front door and unlocked the door, I put my coat up and went upstairs. Timotheé was gone, I didn't expect him to still  be here anyways. I picked up the note I wrote for him and it said "appelle moi quand tu rentres chez toi" (Call me when you get home.)

I took my purse out of my bag and called him, I started to change while I waited for him to answer. He didn't answer, he was probably busy but I had to do things anyways. I took a shower and then after that I wrapped my moms presents. It started to snow outside so I closed the windows downstairs and put the heater on for awhile.

Jack "I'm coming over."
Vee "K."

I heard him go downstairs and his door open, then I heard mine open.

Jack "I'm bored."
Vee "Me too."
Jack "What you doing?"
Vee "Wrapping my moms gifts."
Jack "What did you get her?"
Vee "Some stuff from Victoria Secret, and some makeup."
Jack "Nice."

I finished wrapping her presents and I took them downstairs and placed them under the tree. I turned the lights on and then went back upstairs to lay in bed. I put on a movie and then Timotheé called me, Jack and him started talking and now Timotheé was coming over.

Timotheé "Do I bring anything?"
Vee "No."
Jack "Nah imma go pick up a pizza though so I'll be back."

I hanged up on Timotheé and then Jack left. I got dressed and grabbed my jewelry to put it on, then I did some makeup. I got back in bed and laid there till they came.

I heard the door open but I didn't bother to check since it was probably one of the boys.

Timotheé "salut princesse."
Vee "salut."

He walked over to me and kissed my head, I sat up and I was tired for some reason. It's probably because of the cold, and that I've been in bed all day. I just got really lazy and I didn't feel like going anywhere. I heard the door open and it was Jack.

Jack "How did you get here before me?"
Timotheé "No idea."
Vee " Jack what time are we going Friday?"
Jack "I think we said around 5 is when we are gonna take the ferry over there. Is Timotheé coming?"
Vee "Do you wanna come with us tomorrow, we are going ice skating."
Timotheé "Yeah I'll go."

I grabbed a slice of pizza and put on a different movie. I decided to watch a Christmas movie since Christmas was in a couple days.

Jack "I think Tommy is here."

He went downstairs and opened the door and they came back up. Tommy had another pizza in his hand.

Vee "Why'd you bring another pizza?"
Tommy "Jack said too."
Vee "Why though?"
Jack "Vee you ate like half of the pizza."
Vee "No I didn't."
Timotheé "Yes you did."
Vee "Liars."
Tommy "Syd and Liv are coming over to."
Jack "Vee is it ok if I invite a girl over?"
Vee "Do whatever you want."

I laid back in bed and picked my phone, Syd texted me that they had just got here and I heard the door open. They were all sitting on my bed and then I guess Jacks girlfriend came over.

It was Lana, I thought he said he didn't like Lana, but Jack changed his mind often. We all started talking because the movie was over and then we decided to go get some dinner.

We all got into Tommy's car and we were all squished together. Jack started playing Christmas music and we all started singing as loud as we can.

It was so funny, Lana was laughing at us and so was Liv, but it was fun.. Timotheé was singing with me and it was cute, because he was smiling at the same time...

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